Topic: Development Status?

What is the current status of SovStar development? Last post seems to be over a year ago, other than my recent posts. I have played SovStar, TI 1/2/3, and VBAM. I really like the thought of a beefier version of SovStar to account for more detail, but as I get older I tend to prefer simpler and less rules intense. VBAM is a great game, but can take really long time to play, and can be become very time intensive. There arehowever aspects of the game that would be great to include in SovStar. So, I hope an upgraded version of SovStar is going to hit my "Goldilocks" zone for 4X games.  wink
- Ken

Re: Development Status?

As with many projects, Sovereign Stars has suffered from the intrusion of Real Life<tm>. In the past 24 months, I have moved across country (twice), started a different career track, and had a son. So, free time to work on important things like game design has been scarce.

Nevertheless, I am beginning to get back into the swing of things, and SovStars is most definitely on the list of things to work on.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Development Status?

That's a funny coincidence. I just made a similar move across country, twice in the past 24 mos. East coast to west coast and back. Didn't have a child though. I totally understand the Real Life intrusion, as I have mentioned, I am back after a few years off due to Real Life. I plan on participating in any SovStar development given the opportunity.
- Ken