this is the "future" and as such does not follow the same rules
I see land mines in the "future" deploying as a JiT asset (ooo, corp-speak) right in front of the convoy, or tanks or infantryman or whatever.
Activated electronically, controlled by a simple AI, and deployed quickly, these spider-like devices will take the place of the static mine. A side benefit being these mines should be easy to recover, simply deactivate them and tell them to "run home forrest"
Here's the very beginnings of this. Look for better solutions in the next 5 years, esp. if the so-called war on terror lasts as long as I expect it will.
of course the "activists" don't like land mines cause they are squeamish about non-combatants. JiT deployment helps, I can't see why they have trouble with better technology. These ain't claymores, that's for sure. (Though they probably still say FRONT toward enemy)
Here's a couple of reactions to the issues with mine deployment.
The distance is offset by the fact that they must be "launched" at the end phase (check the FAQ), providing most vessels the opportunity to simply move a couple of mega-kliks out of range. Additionally, minesweepers are then given the opportunity to sweep the next turn.
That also changes the "untargetable" drones issue as they have to sit through an entire turn before they detonate.