Topic: Mauler

I am trying to convert the mauler into Nova terms. Realizing I cannot copy every detail of the original, i am trying to capture the spirit of it.

Here is my build so far:

BAS: 3, Catastrophic, Proximity, Scatter, Slow

I picked proximity and scatter to represent the area of effect of the weapon which is much more powerful at range 1-5 in SFB. Catastrophic I picked to make it really dangerous but with a fun randomness (even though the SFB version is anything but random).

BAS is my biggest question, knowing the original can be filled from a small to a great amount.


Re: Mauler

This is a good idea.
For extra blast without all the extra cost, add Dx3 and Dx2 to this.  This means that after a hit, roll a dice and multiply by six :!:
It will make a Big Bang... :ugeek:

Re: Mauler

I like your thinking. I'm going to try it with a Dx2. All in all, it should be fun!

Re: Mauler

I feel it's good, although the BAS could be much higher as the mauler is a one-weapon-ship...
In fact, you could increase the BAS up to what the ship can house.

BTW, 'history'-Wise, which nations invented the mauler?
I know it's one of the bad guys, but is ts Kinglon or Romulan?


Re: Mauler

I just wish there was a way to simulate shock in this game.

Re: Mauler

madpax wrote:

BTW, 'history'-Wise, which nations invented the mauler?
I know it's one of the bad guys, but is ts Kinglon or Romulan?


Klingon, I am 90% sure.

Re: Mauler

Actually, the Romulans had a cloak version of the Mauler and the Klingons also used them.  Others did too...

Re: Mauler

ericphillips wrote:

I just wish there was a way to simulate shock in this game.


Re: Mauler

How is this for a way to simulate shock, and get it costed easily on the ship designer.
:idea: Have the battery that is vulnerable to shock split in to two similiar batteries with the same # of shots.  Give one of them slow-firing and don't give it to the other twin battery.  For example, if you have a weapon that gets six shots, make it into two three shot batteries and give the second one Slow.
Then, whenever you fire the battery, roll of the shots at once.  Then roll a die.  On a 1,2,3 the battery cannot fire for a turn.  for a 4,5,6 the battery can fire next turn.  This there is a 50% chance that the battery will break-down for a turn due to shock.

Re: Mauler

Not sure that captures shock. How about creating a new label for the weapon type (Shk) for shock. let it hase a 0.8 modifier in construction (just a guess there). Create the Mauler as a dual weapon for the full power and low power versions. When the high power version is used, have a die rolled. On a 1-2 the ship takes a point of hull damage.

Thats my line of thought.

Re: Mauler

That works  8-)

Re: Mauler

The first Mauler-equipped ship was Romulan.

Re: Mauler

You could give any ship carrying a mauler the simple damage chart that I posted a few months back* with 50% of the blank squares marked as hull. Make three rolls to determine any shock damage taken. I would think of Hull hits being to the integrity of the structure rarther than bits flying off but marked off just the same.

* thread -
Change any specials to reflect the carrying ship.


Re: Mauler

A food idea, Paul, but I am trying to stick a little closer to the system as is. I'll be testing out the D6M this weekend.