Topic: How many drones in a drone rack?

More accurately, how can I tell how many drones my ship has in its stores? For example, if it has two drone racks (and I know that each drone flight is four drones) does that mean it can only fire two drone flights during the game? There are no real counters or indication on the ship card....

Re: How many drones in a drone rack?

Your example, Yes.
If you have Klingon Armada (Nova) page 9 explains that each weapon bank is represented by the firing arc and attack dice modifier. Page 21 "Expendable" explains that a bank is crossed off when fired and cannot be used again.
In the case of Drone Racks each one is shown as one bank on the ship card.
For example, Federation Kirov class has 4 Drone Racks represented on the card by the [TT4] x4. Each time one is fired a [TT4] is crossed off. There are no stores or reloads, once thay are gone that is it for the game.


Re: How many drones in a drone rack?

Thanks.... I have Admiral edition which doesn't explain that. Still leaves that Kzinti battle cruiser capable of inflicting 32 hurts if they get through. Thanks again smile

Re: How many drones in a drone rack?

Sorry, you did not say which version you are using.
In the Admiralty Edition Drone Racks are noted in the "Special" section of the data card. Whether launched as drones or anti-drones you note it in this section.
Note the maximum launch rate on page 30 (though I am sure this does not affect the launching of a single flight (if you still have any) of anti-drones).
As with the Nova edition there are no reloads. If it says Drone Rack (3) you only have the three flights for the game.


Re: How many drones in a drone rack?

That's cool..... Thanks for the help smile