Hello, thanks for the helpful feedback. I have been working with the rules and have enjoyed the streamlined play compared to the last version I owned, Starmada X. One thing I have noticed with the Klingon Armada product is that there are several errors on the ship data cards. My question/concern is whether these errors alter the ship point values from what they were intended to be. Here are the errors I have found:
[*] The Federation Kirov and Lexington list the photon torpedoes as having the Dfs trait.
[*] The Klingon Adamant, Ardent and Swiftsword have a disruptor range in one of the modes showing a range of 12 instead of 18 or 9 (overloaded).
[*] The Kzinti Frigate likewise has a disruptor range of 12.
[*] The Kzinti Deathdealer lists no traits for the overloaded disruptor.
If these errors don't introduce problems with the point values, are the community-provided design tools capable of producing corrected data sheets?
One more thing I've wondered as I've played through the rules: what is the best use situation for anti-drone capability? The reason I ask is because by my calculations, the modifier for an anti-drone attack is (-1 attacking seeker penalty) + (-3 for drone Dx3 trait) + (-1 penalty for anti-drone attack) + (no range modifier due to drones Gid trait) = -5 modifier. For a single anti-drone rack, this means only one attack dice is rolled for a 33% chance of a successful hit. Since the Dx3 trait is not valid for attacks against seekers, a hit would only reduce the drone counter by one. Given the offensive value of drones, I was wondering if others have seen situations where the seemingly limited anti-drone defensive potential can outweigh that offensive potential? Thanks again for any feedback.