Topic: First game of GF3 complete!

I played a duel between the HMS Indefatigable and the SMS Von Der Tann (the one from Kings and Kaisers).

It went well at first for the British, as both ships circled each other at long range, but once the Von Der Tann's longer-range secondaries were able to engage, it went downhill very rapidly.

HMS Indefatigable was sunk. SMS Von Der Tann lost 11 hull boxes, 3 speed boxes, 1 main battery box and 2 Light Guns boxes.

The alternate damage check rules are alot of fun and greatly increase the tension. Only 1 critical was scored during the battle, a bridge hit on HMS Indefatigable.

Very enjoyable game, will be playing again soon!

Re: First game of GF3 complete!

Duel 2 : HMS Indefatigable was victorious! A combination of winning the initiative each time and stellar marksmanship (except for missing with a torpedo at 3k yds) had the SMS Von Der Tann down to 3 hull boxes in addition to an engine and bridge critical...and then a magazine critical, BOOM!

Re: First game of GF3 complete!

I also ran my first game of GF3 with some pals down the Club last week.

We ran the Coronel scenario from King & Kaiser, adding the Canopus and Otranto to add to the spectacle.

The Germans made the mistake of pairing off their CLs against the RN ACs & Canopus, both being sunk.
The Scharnhorst & Gniesenau were fixated on the Otranto, yet unable to hit the proverbial barn door.
Eventually, by attrition, the Otranto was sunk: not very historical, but a great tutorial game!


Re: First game of GF3 complete!


Did you give the German ship's veteran crews?  Just wondering.

Re: First game of GF3 complete!

Hi Marauder,

A fair point but no, I left them all zero-rated: technically no hostilities prior to this battle...
The objective was to introduce the rules, so not unduly concerned abour CQs & Crew ratings.
We did overlook the over-penetration & over-concentration: once we'd realised we'd done so we decided to disregard for that game to keep it consistent.
Will know better next time, all part of the learning curve...
Next up Round 2 off the Falklands, with the Germans as veterans...


Re: First game of GF3 complete!


I was just curious.  I would leave  out crew rating in a learning game too.  Coronel on paper looks like a fairly even match, but factor in superior crew and the historic victory of the Germans is easily explained.

I'm keen on using Over-concentration - but not so keen on over-penetration.  Depends on the battle I guess.  If I did use it I'd probably change it to -1 for 3 levels of difference or possibly even 4.  I don't think you would have had any ships that would have been affected by Over-concentration anyways - it only affects 12" or larger guns at long range.

From K&K I am definitely going to use the new damage rules.  I think they are simpler and quicker, and I probably won't even introduce the ones in the rulebook.  I really like the range-based AP mods - although I would probably leave them out of the first game or two.  But I think range-based AP is key to emulating WW1 naval battles.


Re: First game of GF3 complete!

The overpenetration rule, while based in historical fact, is deliberately skewed towards penalizing big guns. The reason is simple: I want to discourage battleships from (unfairly, IMHO) blowing CLs and DDs out of the water. smile

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: First game of GF3 complete!

Also, while it's likely the historical result at Coronel was not a fluke, I would caution against using "reality" as a guide to what should happen on the wargaming table. When observing history, we have the benefit of hindsight as well as the limitation of seeing only the one possible outcome that actually happened.

Besides, if a scenario is designed so that the only possible (or even most likely) outcome is preordained, that doesn't make for a particularly fun game.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: First game of GF3 complete!

Hi Chaps,

I ran the Falklands scenario last night, myself as the RN.
A minor victory for the Germans, who managed to nearly cripple Invincible and then head over the horizon.
They did lose the Scharnhorst and one of their CLs whilst making their escape.

I couldn't close quick enough, as steering towards them lost too much headway.
A combination of woeful dice rolls on my part and withering fire from all German ships focussing on Invincible (without penalty). Even the German CLs at long range (Vet crews) were rolling one dice and hitting!
Great fun!