Topic: EoA grenade weapons Q

Long time no be here*...

Anyway, tried my hand at making a grenade launching ranged weapon as per EoA rules but I wasn't quite able to figure out if their ammo is supposed to be constructed separately using the grenade design rules or not. In other words, do they fire a specific type of grenade from the force's grenades list or is it just any grenade that can be designed under the rules and not necessarily otherwise available for the force?

I'm pretty sure it's the former and in this case it wouldn't really matter since AoE rules enable you to design enough different ones to arm all the infantry frames that needed another sidearm as well as to provide the launcher with ammo if that's how it must be done.

*) and it does look like that applies to other folks as well sad

Re: EoA grenade weapons Q

BTW "the case" mentioned above is a D:EoA conversion list available here (see "What's new on August 28, 2016"):