Topic: Grand Hegemony of the Ashkriel
"This is the Valaxon Gorgon-class light cruiser Darak'Ha to any ships that can hear us. Please help! Our hyperdrive spat us out here, and there are bogeys attacking us. They're boarding us! Hel--"
Last transmission from Valaxon light cruiser Darak'Ha
The Ashkriel, for ages, had experimented with FTL travel. But their minds, while excellent at creating weapons and how to advance every other aspect of their technology, couldn't work out the finer aspects of hyperspace.
Until they had a working model...
The Grand Hegemony rushed out, attacking everyone. They attack warships without a second thought, and anything that has weapons is attacked. Ships without weapons, however, aren't attacked. Possibly it is because that they feel that the universe is out to get them.
In the last few years, the Ashkriel have stopped attacking everyone. However, that isn't always a good thing...