Topic: Question(s) About Fighters

We are still playing twice a week up here in Jacksonville.  I have a question about Assault Fighters.  If one of them is involved in a dogfight or attacking a ship with antifighter-batters, what happens when the fighter rolls a one and then a 6 with its two attacks?
Does it score a hit and is also destroyed?   Or is it destroyed by the roll of "1" before scoring the hit?

Re: Question(s) About Fighters

I would say the former, the flight scores a hit and one fighter is destroyed. All damage in Starmada is 'simultaneous' . And besides, why are you rolling two dice in order? All examples I've seen are fighters rolling all dice as a single flight. ie: A full flight of 4 Assault Fighters rolls 8 dice all at once, not 4 then four.

If it were a single Assault fighter, then I'd still say roll 2 dice. You get a 1 and a 6, fighter does it's point of damage and gets nuked as well.

If you had a single Assault fighter going up against 2 non-Heavy fighters, and the two fighters both rolled 1s, 5.4 states that you'd only get to kill 1 opposing fighter with your Assault fighter. Against Heavy fighters you'd still only get to 'kill' one, but that one still gets it's 50% chance to ignore the 'kill'.

Re: Question(s) About Fighters

The hits are simultaneous.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games