Topic: Mini Fleets

Some ideas come from the strangest of places.

My current idea (putting some of my earlier ideas onto the back burner) came about when I found some isometric triangle graph paper. A few hours later, I'd created two hex maps (one with tiny hexes that could fit small dice in, one with playable hexes) and a range of counters. All hand-drawn, which means they're not brilliant quality (especially as the 'hand' is mine and I can sometimes barely make out my own handwriting). Now, of course, they're crying out for some ships to be designed and, as there are a total of twelve capital, twenty-four cruiser, thirty-two escort, twelve carrier, twenty-four base/sats and sixteen auxiliaries, that means tiny ships. How tiny? How about 8 hull for a heavy battleship tiny?

I'm working on this setting at my own pace (which might mean, with my attention span, that--ooh, shiny!) but I'm hoping to have my SUE successor to the SNE Micratan Cluster up here soon. As well as an airship setting and a battlecarrier-type setting or two. Just need to crack on with it...

Re: Mini Fleets

Can't wait to see them. Also, where's the picture of the counters? big_smile

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Mini Fleets

I'd have to scan them in, but there's only one scanner and, in a twist of fate that should surprise no-one, the computer it's paired to has the worst mouse--the only movements that triggers a response are those that wouldn't look out of place in front of a full orchestra doing the 1812 Overture...:D

Re: Mini Fleets

And here's a little taster of what to expect. It's not set in stone--yet--but the civilians/auxiliaries I think are close to it as there's not much else I can do with them.

Note: The aft screens I'm envisioning as additional cargo/the structure of the ship itself. The important bit--bridge, crew quarters, drives etc is at the front, with a large part of the ship without anything 'important' at the rear. Ships chasing have to punch through it to damage the bridge and get it to stop. Larger ships will be having front screens as well, with the 'important' bit situated slightly behind the front. This means that raiders or military blockade enforcers have to get on the side of the cargo haulers to damage them. It also gives the illusion of there being 'more ship' so to speak--they're not very tiny, there's just not that much on them that can be damaged.

A note on weapon ranges: Because I'm envisioning this set-up as a chance to do gaming on the road, so to speak (I'm intending for all the bits to fit in a Really Useful 4l box--as the name implies, they're...quite useful), the map part is going to be small-ish. Ultra-long-range is going to be around 12 hexes, with normal fighting range of up to four hexes.

Light Cargo Hauler (4)
-Tech: Engines -1; Shields +1

-Aft: 3-2-1

Hull: 1
Engines: 1-1
Weapons: 1-1

Equipment: Tractor Beam ☐ // (1)
Traits: Cargo (1)

Blockade Runner (5)
-Tech: Engines -1; Shields +1

-Aft: 3-2-1

Hull: 1
Engines: 1-1
Weapons: 1-1

Equipment: Tractor Beam ☐ // (1)
Traits: Cargo (1)

Boosters : 3-2-1

Re: Mini Fleets

Just a friendly notice: I'm working on the new supplement--done all the ships, and am now in the process of formatting it and making it look (semi-)pretty. In keeping with the naming convention I decided I'd use for SUE supplements (i.e., names of tracks on my MP3) this one's going to be called Metal Health.

Re: Mini Fleets

I am really looking forward to seeing what you have made. All of this is very fascinating.   8-)

Re: Mini Fleets

Well, it's up in the Basin now--posted it on Saturday. Now starting work on a setting that I had initially started as a collection of short stories I was going to write. I'm still hoping to do some more short stories, but the setting might give me some help in that way--or, if not, at least the ideas will see the light of day...