Topic: Setting-specific Weapon Traits

Hi all.

Ever since I finished work on the TNBL supplement I've been working on other things to burn off excess creative energy. One thing is a reprise of my TGoTC and Playground supplements, specifically a combined air/land/sea supplement.

Now, one thing that has made it more challenging is the change in Three-Dimensional rules, but I'm hoping that a setting rule re-introducing the SAE/SNE version of those rules will be acceptable.

Another is that I want to restrict some weapons' arcs of fire in a 3D environment. With that, here are four traits for this sort of setting. Each weapon in this supplement must have one trait of the five. Feedback welcome (indeed, needed)

Standard Elevation (SEl)

A weapon with the SEl trait may engage any target within range.

Modifier x1.0

Limited Elevation-1/2 (LE1/LE2)

A weapon with the Limited Elevation-1 trait may not engage a target whose difference in elevation is equal to or greater than the distance on the board.

Modifier: x0.7 (but see below)

A weapon with the Limited Elevation-2 trait may not engage a target whose difference in elevation, times TWO, is equal to or greater than the distance on the board.

Modifier: x0.5 (but see below)

Example: a ship at elevation 2 is targeting a ship 3 hexes away and at elevation 4. With a SEl or LE1 weapon, this is possible, but for a LE2 weapon, this is not (elevation difference: 2, x2 = 4, greater than 3). If the target was only 2 hexes away, only a SEl weapon could target it.

Gravity-Fed (GFd)

A weapon with the Gravity-Fed trait may only engage a target on the lowest level.

Modifier: x0.3

This trait is only for bombs and bomb-like batteries

In this supplement, the Acr trait automatically confers the Standard Elevation trait

EDIT: I forgot about another trait I was thinking about--a No Elevation (NEl) trait which can only engage targets on the same level. This would primarily be for torpedoes.

The values would be:
LE1: x0.8
LE2: x0.6
NEl: x0.5

Re: Setting-specific Weapon Traits

Okay, I'm guessing either there's nothing wrong with this, or it's so broken that it's not even worth replying to.

Re: Setting-specific Weapon Traits

I'm a bit wary of a multiplier as low as x0.3... but I guess if it can only hit ground targets I suppose it makes sense.

Why can the other traits not be combined with Acr?

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Setting-specific Weapon Traits

A combination of two reasons: one thematic, one laziness. The first is that Acr would be for the light AA batteries on warships in the Second World War--batteries that have very fast training and elevation gear. Standard Elevation would be for 4-6in DP batteries--those with good elevation gear but not so quick as to really keep track of enemy aircraft.

The Limited Elevation traits would consequently be for heavy anti-ship batteries (8in or larger) and No Elevation would be for equivalent pre-dreadnought, ironclad or even age-of-sail warships (I can't see a 32lb cannon being wheeled around to engage a torpedo- or dive-bomber...)

I would also say that Gravity-Fed would only be used for level-flight bombers, would have very limited range and would be scenario-driven--but I've got to try and think of every eventuality...

The second reason, laziness, is mainly because I'm thinking of inserting the Elevation traits into my Shipbuilder in the first Post-Defensive slot, but I guess inserting the Elevation traits into the standard traits would work as well. It'll mean additional work, but I'm not going anywhere...:-)