Topic: Starmada Drydock 23

I have been working on an updated version of the Starmada Drydock, one which should be fully functional within both MS Excel and LibreOffice. At the moment it builds ships but does not create the SSD.

Anyone interested in taking a look and trying to break it for me?

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Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

2 (edited by TheJayster 2023-01-07 04:37:49)

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

I'll download it and play around with it.

Edit: the file is jpg?

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

No, I haven't actually uploaded the file yet. Just seeing if there's anyone who will look at it. wink

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Here is the LibreOffice version:

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drydock23 beta.ods 76.22 kb, 17 downloads since 2023-01-07 

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Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Thank you, will look at it.

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

It seems to be fine except for the weapons part. I get "N/A"s on the weapons page and can't retrieve that weapon on the main page. I may be doing something wrong.

FYI, I'm running the latest version of LibreOffice ( on a Mac.

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Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Ok... it looks like LibreOffice doesn't like the ACC values to be in the format "X+". Easy fix.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Starmada Drydock 23


How is the progress for this drydock version? Is this for Starmada Unity? Does it include the updates from the 2020 rules annex? I'm really interested in the LibreOfficee version as I don't have MS Office. Thank you!

Best regards,

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Work is progressing, but it got lumped into some larger projects about which I hope to have some updates in the very near future.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Starmada Drydock 23


I created my own version of the Drydock. If you want to give it a test I would be really happy.
It looks similar to the original one (at least in the Ship tab).
In the Ship tab you only need to fill in the yellow cells. All the other cells are formulas.
In the Weapons tab you only need to fill the yellow and green cells. All the other cells are formulas. First line is for primary mode and the second line is for the secondary mode. Here I need to point some things. The "class" column is for diferentiate from seeker, defensive or normal weapons. All range traits are collected in the range traits column. All of the other traits are in the other green columns. Beware of the illegal combinations as it does not detect them. Also this drydock does not consider customized range bands.
The Drake tab is my attempt to create a Drake nomenclature for the ships.
The other tabs are just tables or auxiliary calculations.
Also I need to comment I know I have errors in the drydock, but I haven't figured out where do they come from, as I have recreated all ships from the rulebook and got different values for the ships (even some of them were left with negative SUs). So any clue to find my calculation errors would be really appreciated.
Thank you!

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Re: Starmada Drydock 23

This is a comparison graph of the values of the ships I get with my drydock. Quite close, but not correct.

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Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Hmm... I'd be interested to know what commonality there is among the ships with > +/-2 variance. Note that the "official" Drydock rounds values to the nearest 5.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

I didn't rounded values to the nearest 5. Now I rounded CRAT to the nearest 5 and that solved almost all problems. However, no luck with Kalaedinese nor with S'ssk.
Here is the new graph.
- Pharsalos: 240 vs 235. 33 SU remaining. If I add 1 exra arc to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Raptor: 175 vs 170. 13 SU remaining. If I add 2 extra weapon slots to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Dirge: 485 vs 470. 69 SU remaining. If I add 1 extra weapon slots to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Oratorio: 450 vs 445. 48 SU remaining. If I add 1 extra weapon slots to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Forte: 140 vs 130. 44 SU remaining. If I add 1 extra weapon slots to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Aria: 50 vd 45. 10 SU remaining. If I add 1 extra arc to some weapon, it gets fixed.
- Mamba: 345 vs 355. -3 SU remaining. No idea how to fix it.
- Cottonmouth: 315 vs 325. 0 SU remaining. No idea how to fix it.
- Diamondback: 185 vs 205. 0 SU remaining. No idea how to fix it.
- Viper: 155 vs 165. 7 SU remaining. No idea how to fix it.

I'll try to think on something to fix the S'ssk ships.
Thank you!

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Rulebook vs Drydock2023_noCR round to 5.png 55.05 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Starmada Drydock 23

Hmmm…how do I get the ship design sheet to recognize the weapons from the weapon design sheet? I’m not getting any drop-down options.

Re: Starmada Drydock 23

If you're using excel and it's not giving you a pull down it's likely a compatibility issue or something. I switched to LibreOffice after getting the same headache (and several others) and it works just fine.

Re: Starmada Drydock 23
