Topic: New Systems?

So I have some ideas for new Starmada starship systems:

1) COMMAND / DATALINK: A ship with the Command trait is able to form a command group consisting of itself and a number of friendly ships whose combined combat ratings do not exceed that of the command ship. For example, a command ship of CR 300 could form a group with another ship of CR 300,  two ships of CR 150 each, six ships of CR 50 each, or any other combination that does not exceed 300. The subordinate ships must each have an operational Datalink.

Ships that are in a command group have the benefit of moving AFTER those not in a command group: i.e., conduct two separate Order/Movement Phases. The first for ships out of command, and the second for ships in command.
Command groups are ad hoc and are assessed during the End Phase.

2) JAMMER: This system allows a ship to "jam" an single enemy vessel to which it has line of sight and whose CR is no more than 3x its own. For example, a ship of CR 80 could target an enemy ship of up to CR 240. Jamming is performed during the End Phase: place an appropriate marker on the target of each jam. Multiple ships may combine their Jammers to affect an even larger ship: e.g., a ship of CR 70 and a ship of CR 100 could team up to jam an enemy ship of up to CR 510.

When a starship is selected to make its attacks during the Combat Phase, roll a number of dice equal to the number of "Jam" markers on it. If any of these dice come up 1, the ship must forfeit its attacks. Remove the "Jam" markers.

3) CASEMATES: This trait indicates a starship whose weapons are heavily armored or otherwise protected against damage. A ship with Casemates only checks off a Hull box on a damage roll of 3: i.e., no Weapon box is checked off.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: New Systems?

Time to ask the obvious questions. wink

How do Jammers and Enhanced Fire Control / Long Range Scanners react with each other? 
Aren't Jammers kinda rolled into Countermeasures?
Do Jammers also affect PDS?

I think the Casemates second sentence needs to be reworked grammar-wise. At first read it seems like weapons cannot be damaged rather than simply talking about the three result omitting weapon damage. (ex. On a roll of 3 for damage, a ship with Casemates checks off a Hull box only, the Weapon hit is ignored.)

Re: New Systems?

Here is some suggested wording for CASEMATES, to address Go0gleplex's feedback (which I agree with).  May not be perfect, but I think it make the function more clear.

3) CASEMATES: This trait indicates a starship whose weapons are heavily armored or otherwise protected against damage.  When rolling damage for a ship with Casemates, a roll of 3 will only cause Hull damage (not Weapon damage). Weapon damage is still taken as normal on a roll of 4.