Topic: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

Now, how would I incorporate one of these into Defiance? I'm not sure I dig the treatment of infantry in the "battle mecha" genre rules, nor do I care overmuch about heat tracking, but it *does* seem an Atlas should have an obscene number of damage points.....

Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

How big is it in 28mm scale?

Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

Obscenely big:

(can't recall what the infantry mini is but I think it's an old Imperial Guard fig from GW, so ca. 28mm from head to toe)

Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

Uh, yeah, the answer, especially for the Atlas, is "stupidly big!"

But I love the madcat and the vulture, oh I do. If only I had the money for 'em!

Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

And in terms of SZ, I recon SZ=3 is about the size of Atlas' fist, SZ=4 would be about the size of Mad Cat's calf "pad" (see the area between the knee joint and the ankle), SZ=5 maybe the size of MC's gun (can't recall how big they actually are), SZ=6 around the same as it's upper body (sans missile pods) etc.


Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

In terms of mathematics, there's no reason to limit size or damage capacity, so a size 10 figure with a DC of 24 is probably balanced...if anything, it's a bit underpowered, since it will rarely be able to use terrain to avoid being targeted by just about every enemy within 60".

Still, woe to the army that only brings AI weaponry. :-)


Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

Sorry, should be more like size 8, DC 12.  Got a bit carried away there...

Re: Armorcast 28mm scale 'Mechs

*whump* THIS is my MADCAT! And THIS *THUD!* is the specially crafted one-of-a-kind HIGHRISE she will be standing behind to scrag your infantry with indirect LRM fire!