Topic: Scrunts! Space dwarves! Squats!

Okay, so they're these dwarves in greatcoats (ignore the uppermost pics, they're of the dross IMO) with shoulder armour and helmets. There appear to be an SMG, a special weapon (operator is wearing sunglasses? Is it a plasma weapon perhaps?), a chaingun, a rocket launcher of suitably vulgar proportions, and a heavier version of the SMG (at bottom). I figure two squads or so and the Ursa armour biped from VOR

And you're good to go!

Better photo of the battlesuit thingy here:

Re: Scrunts! Space dwarves! Squats!

I'm currently working on a Space Dwarves army list that will be compatible with Grymn, Scrunts and, of course, Squats.

I should have it done in a week or two...
