Topic: Bourbaki Basin Standards for Ship Display and Basic Rules

1) All ships must be submitted using Drake notation

2) Design Rules restrictions
   a) Ships must be designed using canon Starmada rules (i.e. Starmada X: or Starmada X: Brigade)
   b) Exception, Ships may be designed with the VBAM KEB Shield system

I don't want to squelch free thought, but if we don't have a common language to speak, nobody will know what the heck anything is smile

All other submissions will be trimmed without mercy.

Re: Bourbaki Basin Standards for Ship Display and Basic Rules

I would also like to point out that the ROF, PEN and DMG doesn't show up if it's 1.

I'd like to see all weapons display the ROF PEN and DMG even if they are 1, i.e.

[a] Tiny Puddly Laser [3/6/9, 4+, 1/1/1]


[a] Tiny Puddly Laser [3/6/9, 4+]

This is a minor deviation from the Purist view of Drake Notation, but it makes things consistent across the system and may help with importing the weapons later if someone wants to make a text parsing program to do that.