Topic: Thoughts from the weekend
Over the weekend, I had a bit of a social gathering of various friends of longstanding, with the stated intention of getting together for something other than a LAN.
This involved a 3000pt per side, two team, five player game of Defiance, and two smaller 2000pt, five player games.
Elites and Light Vehicles own all in cities. A friend brought a worldworks "downtown" layout, it looked gorgeous, but my UNE forces were twice TROUNCED by an unholy alliance of Star Marine regulars, Space Thug light vehicles, and four guys we dubbed "Dave's Ninjas".
There weren't many long lanes of fire for starters, so all the UNE ranged advantage came to nought. Then, a cone weapon on a 10S vehicle is just the thing for flushing troops out of cover... or you know, just killing them all while they're still IN cover.
Suicide ramming is a great way for light vehicles to injure (but not kill) mecha. Now if only we'd been using the AFV damage chart CORRECTLY then ramming my ally's Superfortress wouldn't have taken out its main gun and left it chasing down infantry to stamp them to death until a lucky vehicle-peircing shot took it down.
More thoughts later.