Topic: Battle of Britain

Hi All,

My name is Marcus and I'm new to the forums here at MJXII. I recently downloaded a copy of Spitting Fire and loved it so much I just had to purchase the full version from

One of the main reasons I love these rules so much are because they pretty much achieve something I myself have been trying to do - replicate flight and squardon level combat in a simple manner.

My own attempts have been focused around the Battle of Britain (BoB), mainly because it is relatively short period, in which a limited number of aircraft types were involved and it is quite well documented.

So my question is this, is there plans for a BoB expansion for Spitting Fire? If not, would MJXII mind me converting the material I have into this system and publishing it here (or even gift to the company)?

In any case, it'll be good to get into some discussion about a great little game on the boards!


Re: Battle of Britain

Heh... e-mail me off-list ( We should talk. smile

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games