Topic: Bob Naismith brings back Cobalt miniatures!

Cobalt the game wasn't that good, but the minis sculpted for it were quite nice and worked well in Defiance: Vital Ground and -- if you are a faithless heretic -- other 28mm minis games. Sadly, West Wind decided to cancel the line a year or so back and most of them have been OOP for a while now.

But no longer! Bob Naismith has retained the molds and now brings 'em back -- all the old West Wind ones and even more: previously unreleased minis, that is! And with the chance to cherrypick just the ones you want! And even that's not the end of it: there's more on the way!

Go Bob, you da man!

Caveat: the photos displayed on the site are the c**p, so people who haven't seen the figs already may be discouraged. Bob's promised to put up better piccies soon. Some better examples can be found on West Wind Productions's site (along with the remains of their stock) and here:

Furthermore, at this present time you apparently won't be getting the clear dome helmets that used to come with Cobalt Mercenaries, the Ygrainne and some other human figs. Bob's reportedly trying to sort that out as well.

But otherwise, there was much rejoicing! [size=75]Whee![/size]

Re: Bob Naismith brings back Cobalt miniatures!

tnjrp wrote:

Caveat: the photos displayed on the site are the c**p, so people who haven't seen the figs already may be discouraged. Bob's promised to put up better piccies soon

Ooh! Hardly had I posted the above rant when I noticed the site has been updated with the option to see a larger pic (sometimes only by a little tho) of the mini by clicking on the mini in the splash photo. How's that for "soon"?