makes fighters too sticky, in my opinion.
It was great when we got Launch Bays even more important with the VBAM/Starmada campaign system.
However, if you put too much detail in the system, not only does it bog things down, but it is restrictive in it's implementation.
One must always balance one's own personal desire to reflect "reality" with everyone else's desire to reflect their own reality.
I you want to implement that, go for it, just don't expect my fighters to conform to your constraints. I personally have problems with fighters outside the plain vanilla version.
but that's just me and I'm not going to squawk too much if you bring some 200 point fighter flights to the table, I'm just going to concentrate fire on them.
I like the idea of the size of the bay being important, but I'd force people to spend more SUs on fighters than they currently do, rather than add more levels of complicated detail.