(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

MadSeason wrote:

Turn 5:
The Terrans hold their ground, hoping to keep the Arcturan vessels in their sights. The Arcturan destroyer Takasago does a quick U-turn to bring its weapons to bear. The Umikaze has begun prepping its hyperdrive for an escape.

Close-range brawling ensues between the Terran light cruisers and the Takasago. In the end, the Takasago has missed every shot and her hull is riddled. She succumbs to her wounds and dies.

The Umikaze is hard hit by long-range lightning battery fire but still survives.

She has not escaped yet, however.

(Results of fire phase depicted -- before Takasago is removed from the board.)

I will have to have a conversation with the designer of Vassal's dice roller...whoever he was he has an obscene passion for 1's.  :x
On another note, I think this game has illustrated well how the points system balances a game. With two forces designed around 2 very different philosophies of defenses and weapons, I feel like had I not rolled woefully in the point blank engagement the Imperials would have still won, but they would have been air-streaming hulks  held together with duct tape  smile Those particle cannons are just nasty :!:
I can't wait to play the next game and include more of the features available in the Vassal mod, and hopefully the things that we have done throughout the playtesting will make this a mod everybody will enjoy. Speaking for myself I have to say Kevin has done one helluva job putting it together.


(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

By the way, I think it would be more exciting if the ships were replaced by an explosion marker in the endphase, and then by debris at the beginning of the next phase. It just seems more exciting, and in the spirit of sci-fi space battles that they die in   such a glorious fashion. Ok, so I just wanted to say my cruiser went out "In a Blaze of Glory"!  lol


(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

Had I been able to land just a couple hits with those lousy secondaries I might have had a puncher's chance. Still, all in all a pretty well balanced fight between the long range antics of the Imperials and the heavy hitting particle cannons, I'm pretty impressed with how the Arcturan ships have held up against such a beating. Oh, and since I don't expect any of the gunners to survive this battle, they will have to be executed in absentia   :twisted:



(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

thedugan wrote:
MadSeason wrote:

For those without the Hammer & Claw supplement, the Umi-class battelship of the DaiKen has a Japanime killer gun (very long range, very destructive). Actually, the entire DaiKen fleet has an advantage in weapon range.

..and they be DAMN cool looking!

Sorry, got carried away....

You know, there is probably room for several more damn cool looking fleets  wink
I for one would love to see a set that has ships with rotating habitats/capsules, as it would fill a gap in the sci-fi "looks" presented in the fleets that are available.
Just a sleep deprived thought.


(10 replies, posted in Discussion)

Good luck to you man, I really mean it (I pretty much walked out of a job in the same circumstance years ago and it certainly worked out). That, and we all look forward to the fruits of your pending unemployment!


(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

Dear lord, the only way you could have pulled that move and ended up in such a good position was by beingt at 0 speed last turn. At least you are in range of my popguns   :roll:  Though I would have to say that at this range I am about to have 2 ships vaporized by heavy weapons, never mind the fact that your popguns are ROF 3 and would swiss cheese me regardless!!!! I had hoped you would turn to follow the cripple thinking I would stick close, and then I could cut out of those nasty heavy weapon arcs. Oh well. Sometimes this email thing gives me too much time to consider all the possibilities, and then I out-think myself  :oops: Well played!
Maybe I can at least scratch the paint on one of your pretty cruisers you jack-booted Imperial Swine!  lol


(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have to admit that I felt like I blundered by not charging the Imperials at the get go, but either way I would have had to endure at least 1 turn of centerline fire, and I had hope it would have gone better at long range. In the end the armor made up for the hit success. The slow-firing Arcturan PArticle Cannons dictated my initial thoughts, as I sought to fire a port salvo then turn to starboard and fire off a broadside. In retrospect I should have held back the PCs, pushed to a range where I could shoot those and the lasers, and take what I could get. I pretty much out-thunk myself  :oops:
If the Arcturan Commander survives (unlikely) he will have some splainin' ta do.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:

In addition to everything else, a weapon with the Extra Hull Damage trait inflicts one hull hit per damage die. So, in effect, the damage chart looks like this:


Armor Plating "negates" any damage die that comes up 1; thus, not only is the "normal" damage canceled, but the extra hull damage is also negated.

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. Now me understands all that Arcturan armor!


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

MadSeason wrote:

Oh, no reason, vile Arcturan scumdog.  :evil:

Actually, for our game, let's say it does not double damage on rolls of 1,3,5. And I do think that is true anyway but I am curious what the official answer is.

Ok, sounds good to me.



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

MadSeason wrote:

Does this score double damage on rolls of 1, 3, 5? The text of the rule, I think, does not say that it does. But because of its effect on ships with Armor Plating, I am wondering.

Gee, I have to wonder why this particular, random question, at this particular, random time... lol


(12 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

Yeah, but do you twitter?

Twitter, or is it Tweet?  :?
Is it me or do I sound like Elmer Fudd?


(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

BeowulfJB wrote:

It sounds like the shields used in SFB-Starmada will be similiar to the ablative armor rules used in Starmada "X". 8-)   
Will this type of shield only be usable in SFB style ships or will the rules for it be usable for home-built Starmada ships?  Will regular Starmada shields be usable with the SFB shields.  That is, weapons penetrating the Starmada-style shields will then the SFB shields 'til their gone... :geek:

Well, whatever Dan & Co. comes up with for KA for shields I would think it will certainly be an option to use in other settings. That's one of the joys of Starmada's "modular" system. Hard/Ablative shields are not strictly a Trek toy, and would certainly fit in any number of settings...and thus represented by Starmada.
Of course, I'm speculating like everyone else, and can't wait to see what else comes from KA that can be cross-pollinated to other genres/ships! Besides, unless Dan shows up at your chosen gaming venue with a cease and desist order because you are using Trek shields on your ships...I'm pretty sure we can all do what we want with the rules once published  wink


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

MadSeason wrote:

This reply comes from someone who has, to this point, only purchased the PDFs.

1) Binders. It's a good idea, to be able to keep everything in one place, adding supplements and errata as new supplements are published. Regarding the perfect-bound soft covers... it's a game, people. Is it too expensive to publish as soft cover with a spiral binding? Because it is very helpful to be able to turn to a page and leave it open on the table.

I know, I know. Complicating things by adding a third option...

2) In game books like this, I am perfectly content with B&W

Aye, I'd rather have a well made game written and distributed in Notepad than a shiny piece of poo. Also, I have lots of books that have bindings that are on the verge of splitting and causing pages top fall out from years of use. A spiral/comb-bound rulebook might be a compromise between binder and perfect bound. My 1st edition Star Blazers Fleet Battle System rulebook has a combinder, and it stays nice and flat and is no bulkier than the 2nd edition bound-edge rules that always want to flip pages. Idon't think it looks bad either. Bound edges might look better on the shelf, but at least in my world the best games are rarely ever relegated to that position!  wink


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

No problem with binders for me. I buy the PDFs and print out the rules sections minus fluff and ship displays and put them in one binder anywhere, organized with tabs for quick reference.
I Like Admiral Art Fairy's idea of color covers available for download for the B&W books. Of course it really depends on hopw much art there is and if it is "optimized" for B&W (lotsa line drawings?)
my 2 cents.


(6 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

I'm stuck halfway to work, because there's three inches of snow on the ground already ... and it's the last week of March.


Is that El Nino brat screwing things up again?
I'm watching the last of the snow piles fade to oblivion here...full well remembering the April Fool's Day storm we had back in the 90's, and knowing it could happen again. One never forgets the sight and sound of a pole transformer exploding 40 feet from where you are shoveling at 11pm, leaving eerie dark silence, and will-o-wisps of fire among the surrounding trees.
Good luck,


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:
Lone Gunman wrote:

1. When a weapon with the "slow-firing"-trait is destroyed and being brought online again by damage control, does the weapon have to start its loading circle again i.e. may not fire in the next turn?

For the sake of simplicity in record-keeping, I'd say "no". Theoretically, this would allow for abuse if the weapon gets damaged and then repaired every turn ... but I find that unlikely. wink

2. Is there any rule that covers ramming ships and regular fighters?

Not at present. I personally dislike ramming as a tactic... it seems "unrealistic".

Thank you for putting unrealistic in quotation fingers, after all we are talking about a game!  wink
I think the biggest problem with ramming is that it becomes a viable tactic for some players...thing is, it shows up a ridiculous amount in both sci-fi literature and film/tv to be totally ignored. I can think of several examples off the top of my head from BSG (goodbye Pegasus), B5 (several times including 1 beauty shot of a Nova ramming a Sharlin), ST (Jem'Hadar on a couple of occassions, as well as others) and that's just from a couple of shows, there are lots more in literature. It makes pretty shots, plus it shows dedication/devotion/sacrifice. Therefore, I don't think it can totally ignored.
My 2 cents.


(60 replies, posted in Starmada)

Now you're just taunting us with coolness!   :x
Can't wait to take this out for a spin.


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

I fall somewhere in the middle...I can still see occasional glimpses of youthful exuberance, but they usually refer to me as "that creepy old dude" when they see me looking.  wink


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Cool. I was just wondering if I had missed something. I like the IS setting, but I only have enough time for one game, and I like Starmada. I couldn't find the US and Frenchies, so thanks for the answers. If everything is going to be Starmada'd eventually I'll probably wait, but if not I am considering buying the IS stuff to convert to Starmada. A conversion matrix would nice, hint hint nudge nudge.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

US and France Primarily. I never bought Iron Stars, but I thought I would get the IS suppliment with those fleets in it (to convert), but there doesn't seem to be one (unless I'm just not seeing it, like when I can't find the leftover meatloaf hiding behind the milk). Apologies if it/they exist and I'm being a dumba**.  :oops:


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Just wondering if the "missing fleets" for Iron Stars will make an appearance in a new IS book first, Starmada, or both? Just wondering. I can't wait to see them either way, but since I am partial to Starmada I am rooting to see them there sooner than later smile I must admit to looking forward to blasting some pink french butt...ummm....that doesn't sound so good!

Hope you are feeling better (the plague swept through here recently too).


(8 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:
Blacklancer99 wrote:

Math Dan, I had to do MATH TO SIGN IN! I was a history major, just seeing math makes me shiver a little! Ok so it was simple math and was keeping with your personal fascination with roots de square, but it was still math.

Umm... you shouldn't have had to do that to sign in. It's supposed to be just for registrations... :?:

Sounds like somebody pushed the wrong button...and I don't think it was me considering I wasn't trying to register at the time!  wink


(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

Nice! Those big keel/spinal mounts are just screaming for the "Catastrophic" trait! Keep up the good work Artmiral.


(8 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

Well, it was only a matter of time. I'm just surprised it happened so quickly...

The vaunted visual confirmation settings for phpBB3 are apparently ineffectual. I've deleted at least two dozen spambot accounts in the past 24 hours. Grr.

Math Dan, I had to do MATH TO SIGN IN! I was a history major, just seeing math makes me shiver a little! Ok so it was simple math and was keeping with your personal fascination with roots de square, but it was still math. Besides, I'm sure there is at least one other game designer that frequents this forum that would show you a more  accurate math method for spambot blocking, cunningly hidden behind a multicolored chart (Yes Ken, I'm pointing at you  lol )
Perhaps we should borrow the Narn Bat Squad  to track down and eliminate spammers.


(7 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

Found this while searching the 'net for something else entirely...

I won't play ANY Civil War game whose Gaussian curves fail a Chi-squared test at anything less than a 95% confidence level.  I simply will not lower my standards to such mediocrity - be warned.

Um... say what now?


If it was a square root of the Chi, it would make a whole lot more sense to me.   lol
It's good to see there are still some gamers with standards!