RE: Stealth Gen
Stealth Gen was and is and always will be the most broken system in my opinion. It was worse before X. Long range sensors with SG make an unbeatable fleet. Try that out.
<sidebar>Now, in defense of Dan: the SG/LRS combo should be fairly easy to defend against with tons of fighters and sunbursts and someone better tactically than me. I spent many years trying to defeat the SG/LRS never getting quite there.</sidebar>
RE: Fighters
Fighters can be countered with ROF3 repeating weapons. The first time you do 26 hits to a group of fighter flights with a single weapon, you'll see what I mean.
Dogfights suck for drones and marines. Less so for interceptors, so get some fast interceptors in place to kill those pesky opposing fighters. Or, you might allow flights to "break off" with a free attack by the opposing flight if you want to be able to stop a dogfight.
Peter Drake has done extensive mathematical analysis on PDS and found that the return really diminishes after shields of 2. He can explain more.
RE: Double 6=7
The double 6=7 rule may be statistically innacurate, but it's the only way you're gonna roll a 7 so call it the starmada equivalent of the last-minute 70 yd Bomb.
RE: the FAQ
The FAQ is just a temporary "ruling" and should not be taken as gospel unless the rule makes it into the official "book". They're just suggestions and open to most anyone who wishes to change them. I moderate the FAQ inconsistently and periodically at best.
RE: Backwards movement
I would not reduce the Backwards movement to 1 hex. It seems pretty expensive to start with. Try 3mp to move backwards instead.
RE: Tactics
As with most things in Starmada. There's usually a counter-tactic you can use to get around most of the combos or special equipments. (except the SG/LRS combo, which I may have mentioned are unbeatable)
It is interesting to see where other people have their hang-ups. They always seem different than mine and everyone else. I personally realize that the problem I have with SG/LRS is my own inability to wrap my brain around a suitable tactic to defeat it. It's not really that broken, I just can't go far enough out of my box to figure it out.
Finally (whew!)
Try to just get over the troubles you have with the system and ignore the pieces you don't like.
Or change them. It's not like some other company's set-in-stone rulebook that anyone will come and sue you for changing. If you want backward movement to cost 3mp instead of 2mp, then so be it! If you want crew to be able to defeat marines when the marines roll a "1" (Noel and I have adopted that to great fun) then rock on!
Ddon't get caught up in the details and above all, have fun!