(1 replies, posted in Discussion)

I still have a copy of the email from the first time you sent this to me

I was looking at it the other day and I actually laughed out loud (LOL tee hee) when I got to the part:

Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer

you've brought a smile to my face again.



(2 replies, posted in For the Masses)


thanks, man!

Make sure you look at the errata section of this forum, there's a couple key things worng with the points formula (go figure)

Also, I will post a new spreadsheet asap to help with troop creation.


(10 replies, posted in Defiance)

Rare is the era in which so much power has amassed in the hands of so few. THIS IS THE CHRONICLE OF SUCH AN ERA

We're missing periods in the sentences.

It is roughly translated into

This is the chronicle of a unique era in which nearly all the power in the universe has been amassed in the hands of just a few political entities.

but that's a lot wordier.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

I would have to say that the math was invisible.  They did a really great job of making truly playable 3d vector movement.

However, I asked how many ships you could possibly put on the field at once and the lady told me something to the effect of "the designer can hndle maybe 3 or so"

Plus it was hard enough to get my ship moving towards the candy let alone land directly on it.

Thay also did something pretty funky for missile fire which I thought wa farily original in that you fired into a vector and had a chance to hit based on th idea that you'd fire tons of missiles in hopes of a few hitting.  Really abstracted the idea out and that's good, cause I'd hate to track 25 missiles in that system smile



(9 replies, posted in ARES)

thing is:

there's no dearth of good sculptors, and casters.

Problem is: $$$

Now, if we were to do something like the US equivalent of the 100 club, what would we do first?

Next, how much would we be willing to pay?



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

well, fine, woot. woot.

Actually, it is a nice-looking game and a neato idea. (just not as easy to play)



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

but to add to the pain


Not a bad game, but certainly not nearly as good as starmada.



(7 replies, posted in Discussion)

I wonder sometimes if people buy this?

Also, when I tell someone "oh yeah, I guess i DO write games now and then, we even published one ourselves" I have a hard enough time describing what a hexagon is let alone exactly what unorthodox cheerleaders do.


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

spacefaring gophers.


I think you may already have reached madness.


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

however, I still don't like tying the size to the hull. And Mass is such a neat stat too.

I'm probably the only one in the world who'll argue that, though, so go ahead <sigh> make it "official". big_smile


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Whoah, that's sneaky.

I am embarrassed that I missed that smile



(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, so far 'mass' is not an official Starmada value-- it's just a little piece o' fluff computed by the SXCA. I'm not sure it will ever become official, as player's perceptions of how big each hull point is will vary...

But this is a great way to start making it "official" isn't it?  I mean ship size calsses aren't "official either, and Mass seems to be more official than even size at this point (I mean it IS in the SXCA)



(23 replies, posted in Discussion)

I did notice that the Pill Bug may not wheel even in the campaign.

A perfect pair of pages to pick from the VBAM book as a preview.

Is thee a way to link the description to the demo instead of just the two page preview they picked out (I wouldn't pick that two pages is all smile



(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'd rather see something that gives mass a use

48.9KmT Small class    (72)
Hull: 5 4 3 2 1 Engines: 3 2 1 Shields: 2 1
[a] Weapon [3/6/9, 4+, ROF 3, PEN 3, DMG 3]
Hyperdrive [O]
1[HQ], 2[Ea], 3[H], 4[E], 5[H], 6[S]

49.1KmT Small Class (45)
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Engines: 3 2 1 Shields: 2 1
[a] Weapon [3/6/9, 4+, ROF 1, PEN 1, DMG 1]
ab ab ab
Hyperdrive [O]
1[Ha], 2[E], 3[H], 4[S], 5[H], 6[Q]

How do we  work something like this into the mix?


So, I put together some Iron Stars Ships for Noel and here's the result!




(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

then you've ruled for #1, Stealth Gen applies to the range bands no matter what.

(good choice, IMHO)



(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, as I see it there are two interpretations and Den can only give one as a ruling so here is what I see

1) Stealth Gen effects apply to the range bands no matter what

2) stealth gen applies to the ROF rolls only no matter what

which is is oh captain my captain



(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've updated the FAQ with this response, cause I think it is the best aswer and because it is my FAQ

Dan wrote:

The ship with the stealth generator shifts the range band up by one, for better or worse.

Thus, in your two examples, the inverted range mods would give a +1, and the range-based ROF would get one die (although the target is really at medium range, the SG shifts this to long range, with all the appropriate combat changes).


Human-Machine wrote:

Well, we did design these mounting holes to be compatible with typical flight bases that you see with GW, Mongoose, AoG et al...  Because of casting deformities, you'll obviously have to clean out the hole to fully accomodate the stem.

Hmm, still seemed a little small to me casting issues notwithstanding, but I will survive the inceident and hopefully find many years of joyous mayhem with them. (heh, it rhymed)


let me clarify my review a bit and bring attention to the facts.

1) I love these miniatures

2) I am truly sorry to hear that GW considers you "competing" on a game they no longer produce and give away for free.  They have some nice ships, I got 12 for $10 at a gaming garage sale at a con once, I painted them in wierd colors just to frag off the GW fanboyz. But otherwise, Hm.

3) The problems with the bases are multiplied by the fact that the posts don't always fit into the stands, and the posts will never fit into the minis. It's almost worth it to call the holes "pilot" holes and tell us exactly how big the posts are so those of us with some talent in the area of the drill can use it to drill real holes.  I'd rather see no holes and the wooden hex bases, but, again, that's just my opinion.

4) I have used two posts on my my larger ships, cause it makes sense. Not double-based, cause I really like the big hex.

5) These are the best starship minis on the market as far as I'm concerned.

6) Xtreme Hobby has the best customer service of just about any gaming company out there (except mj12games, of course)

7) Did I mention that these are the best minis out there. Once you get the basing figured out there will be no contenders. Heck there aren't contenders anyway.  And I love the ship designs that you've done.  plus the starmada cards make them even cooler.

I really appreciate you're response, I hope you get the bases figured out.

My suggestion: Make them compatible with GW-style flight bases, but send a little slip with instruction on how to drill them for the acrylic posts.



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I accept full responsibility for this, if only we had playtested more.  I apologize for failing you all, I will now go self-flagellate until such time as my penance is complete.

just call me little euglena.

p.s. I've updated the FAQ/errata


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Aha! I now understand!

we stack them in a pile, currently we're playing somewhere in the range of 4000 points and 20 some ships on a side, takes about 20 minutes per turn and we're two turns into the game.  On ship after another and down the row we go.

sorry I misunderstood.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

andyskinner wrote:

I recently bought a PDF of Starmada X: Brigade.  I'm not unhappy with Full Thrust, but thought it would be fun to compare.

yay, you'll be very happy with it!

andyskinner wrote:

By the way, when you play, how do you use the ship record sheets?  They seem very large to me.

The use of the sheets is very concisely described in the rulebook.  Suggest you start there and, of course, ask any questions of the forum.

There is a FAQ available at http://www.tablegamer.com/cgi-bin/faqw.py

andyskinner wrote:


you are most welcome


(7 replies, posted in Defiance)

I have to admit that I'm jealous of your fanboyz Demian.  I've seen some reviews (and written a couple, even) but I've not seen such a finely written, well-reasoned review since I got out of the newspaper "bidness". It reminds me of my college days when people would write critcal papers about reviews of other people's writings.

On top of that, the non-english-speaking origins of the author embarass me somewhat, given my recent reviewof the Cold Navy 1.5 ships. Makes me want to go back and edit a little.

Damn fine piece of writing Jouni Pohjola.