(0 replies, posted in For the Masses)

As Errata occur, I will update this post.

    (Page 22) Disciplined should have a multiplier of 2.5

    (Page 33) Base Defense Rating multiplier for DEF 1 should be 7

    (Page 19)

    Men at Arms (38) 
    Alvernan Infantry 
    Mv Att  Rng  Def Wnd Mor ME CP 
    4  2d6  -/-   2   3  7+  -   -
    Orc Warriors (54) 
    Orc Infantry 
    Mv Att  Rng  Def Wnd Mor ME CP 
    5  2d8  -/-   2   4  7+  -   -
    Orc Chief on Foot (54) 
    Orc Personality 
    Mv Att  Rng  Def Wnd Mor ME CP 
    5  2d10 -/-   2   6  -   -  2d6

    (Page 37)

    Javelins (54) 
    Mv Att   Rng   Def Wnd Mor ME CP 
    5  2d6  2d8/8   2   3  6+  -  -


(1 replies, posted in For the Masses)

You know what? I think I will update the pdf soon.

I completely forgot about that feature at rpgnow, even though I've benefited from it myself smile

I'll work on it. <sigh> put it on the list smile

To that end, does anyone have a list of errors I can fix?


(10 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

but nobody is shooting at him.


(10 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

This means that you could theoretically fall off a ship, and float freely at a speed of 130 miles an hour?

remind me to put my ether-aware undies on before getting on an ether ship (does this mean my shorts have to be plugged in at all times?)



(8 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I'm at WORK for crying out loud!


(3 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Wouldn't WoDX work for that?

or maybe its the mj12 RPG?


(19 replies, posted in Discussion)

well, the last time I sent something to Australia, it cost like $6.00(USD).

It took a month to get there, but the old guy that swam it over claimed there were sharks.



(19 replies, posted in Discussion)


well I learned from Dan that the spine is calculated by Lulu, so you're off the hook smile

it's like they put a black background and the cover wasn't sized right to do the bleed

anyway, it's not significant enough to even matter really, it does not affect my enjoyment of the book at all.



(19 replies, posted in Discussion)

I ordered a copy of VBAM and itcame to me without a problem, the cover is nice, there is but one small alyout problem that I assume is because the spine was too thick in whatever program was used to design the cover.  Interior is fine and all else seems of fairly decent quality.

I think the cover is a lttle flimsy, but it should hold up for both times I play the game.



(50 replies, posted in News)

so you can replace the phbbb logo with the cool mjXII logo, etc


(30 replies, posted in Miniatures)

big_smile  smile  sad  yikes  :?  8)  lol  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  tongue  tongue  :oops:  :roll:  :twisted:  :evil:  :?:  :idea:  :roll:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  smile  smile  smile  smile  smile

I hate smileys

They are too distracting, I'd rather see some goofy guys eye blinking at me


(4 replies, posted in Discussion)

With the new forums and the awesome functionality therein, I move that we move the FAQs to this forum.

All in favor say Eye!
