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oh.......ummmm......i misunderstood something then.
so there's a 2, 3, and 4 inch template that can be purchased. what is the 1" template used for ??
i figured out what i got less than brilliant about. the errata says to change the 4" template to 3", but it's specifically for page 245 (the actual template) and NOT for the weapon tables (table 2.7). :oops: :oops:
sometimes i worry me.
has any one looked into correcting the pdf for the four free sample armies ?
you know, changing 4" AoE's to 3".......stuff like that.
i used to just alternate rounds in the same magazine
APDS, EX, APDS, EX, etc.
oh, and thanks for the confirmation Demian. it's nice to know that i didn't completely misunderstand the rules(self-directed sarcasm :oops: ).
and just so i'm clear: if you have a weapon with a one-shot frame that's a tandem combo with another frame and you fire the one-shot it will still take a fire action to switch to the other frame ???
ummm no.
i meant that one frame/stat line would be used for several models because their stat line is identical. the only thing that's different is the figure. and the weapons allowed, but each "set" of weapons would not exceed the maximums....although i'll probably "borrow" your idea about using at least an extra frame slot to account for the extra weapon sets.
i thought that the limit on the number of "frames" was to limit the "stat lines" available for infantry and/or weapons, not to limit the number of miniatures that can be used.
that last sentence is not meant to be snarky, but it probably reads that way. and i can't figure out how to say it differently without losing what i mean out of it.
jim a.
just noticed last night that the four book armies have a typo in their tactical ratings. the last three Tactical Aspects are listed as Tactical Advantage, Failed Figure Morale Test and Failed Unit Morale Test but the actual Values are listed so that Tactical Advantage should be last.
and i know it's probably way too late to say this, but how about putting the page numbers near the outer edge of the page instead of near the spine/binding??? pretty please with sugar on top ?!?!?!?!?????
okay, i'll stop whining now.
thank you,
jim a.
oooh, i gotta question......
can i use one frame to represent several models that have different weapon options (the weapons aren't actually the question). i'm basically wanting to use one set of stats for clone, snow and storm troopers, each will have different weapon options.
i'll have four different morale levels of "troopers", three different morale levels of "arc troopers" and six or seven different weapon frames. no "scout troopers" cause i don't have any figures.
when writing up the infranite assault rifle with the underslung 1-shot rocket launcher i did the following:
the assault and long range rounds were parallel with each other (in the original game they would have been tandem). the RL was tandem with the rifle (using the final cost of the rifle). i also made a version with the rifle rounds as tandem and the RL was parallel with the rifle. i also made a three slot parallel weapon, but that's not relevant to your question.
can you tell that my infranite list is still a work in progress ??
Thanks for the updated errata sheets !!!!!!
But i believe CZ and myself were both asking about the actual "book" PDF, with all the errata already added in. Will we have to purchase it again to get the "corrected" version ??
And my nearly computer illiterate brain just wondered--is the PDF able to be "edited" by the purchaser ? You know, the MJG-0410 document that's 33,884 KB's in size ? And if it's possible, would a nearly computer illiterate want to do that ??
Jim A.
grendeljd wrote:Count Zero wrote:If we purchased the PDF, do we get the updated PDF for free, or do we have to purchase it again?
hundvig wrote:Is the PDF errata being fixed "on the fly" on the POD hardcopy version, or does that need to wait for some kind of major update? Not sure how the technology works...
Dan or Demian may correct me if I am wrong, but I believe what will happen is that anyone who has bought the pdf will get a free update that will include any errata discovered to this point - I have already made the corrections to the master layout file. This updated pdf will also include player army stat sheets [working on those right now...].
I can't speak for already purchased POD copies, however...
Josh - the layout guy!
has this updated PDF been sent out yet, or is it still being worked on ??
if it has been sent, how do i get mine ? who do i send my original to so that i can get an updated version ?? am i thinking about this too much ??
jim a.
all three, but with more emphasis on #2 for the reasons noted above.
domo areegato gozimas, senor !!!!
that's what i thought and hoped the answer would be.
I have a potentially silly question..........
Is the max PV for weapons by model type (SI, PI, VE) the max PV per weapon frame (ie: each weapon) or is it the max weapon PV per model ??
me am konfoozed and it does make a giganormous difference.
thank you,
jim a.
would it be possible for the final version of the counter sheet to not have the wasted space between the square counters ??
if you did that, you might be able to get another row of counters on the page.
thank you,
jim a.
1) are the "poi" counters on pg 246 for "point of impact" ?
2) table 2.7 (pg 102-107) shows costs for 2", 3" and 4" AoE weapons, but the
provided templates (pg 245) are marked as 1", 2" and 4". i measured
them and they are 1", 2" and 3" in radius.
3) AoE weapons can have a max ammo of 6 (pg 80), but the plasma burst
cannon (pg 189) is an AoE weapon with "un" ammo.
4) on pg 188 the fluff text for the plasma rifle/phase carbine is the same as
the trench shotgun/flamethrower.
5) on pg 206 the grav mortar's name and fluff imply an AoE, IF and Stun
weapon, but the stats don't have any of those listed.
6) on pg 127 the mp5 and m16 have exactly the same range/kill numbers.
mp5 has FR4, m16 has FR1(3). but the m16 is triple the cost of the mp5.
7) the disposable m72 "LAW" has "un" for ammo ? (pg 128).
8) the "tommy gun" has more range than the m16 (pgs 128 and 127) ?
that's all i got for now.
speaking off infranites......
how would one build a long range smoke launcher. specifically the "metal smoke" round for the chain cannon/gun. it does no damage,has a max range of 75 inches, a 4 inch AoE, stays on the table for 2 turns and produces a -1 LOF (probably -2 due to different size die). and i already know that the ROF of 2 will be dropping to 1.
jim a.
-no army list may contain more than 2 combo weapon frames, +1 per each level of frame variety (i.e. max of 4)
-the minimum cost to add a second round is +10 PV for parallel, +5 PV for tandem.
-no weapon may have more than types of round
Let me know what you think. This is easy to change in the core book.
this rule would keep me from building the infranites as close as possible to the original rules. off the top of my head they have three combo weapons(one with four ammo types-vehicle weapon though), but they don't have that many frames. and it gets expensive to build combo-weapons!!!!
i also couldn't build ANY warzone army where i try to stick to the fluff saying that every assault rifle and smg and most pistols can have an underbarrel grenade launcher or flamer.
okay, i'm going to calm down now. sorry if that came across as harsh, but i feel very strongly about this.
jim a.
Count Zero wrote:Demian Rose wrote:Hey Folks,
We are planning on doing a formal print run for selling to stores. Does anyone have specific ideas about what would be worth putting on the back cover to attract gamers' interest, in terms of a text description (we already have a graphic in mind)? In other words, what do you think the game offers the typical gamer that makes it worth purchasing?
Here are the aspects that attracted me.
- no rolling of buckets of dice (i.e. an attack is resolved with one die roll)
- squad based activation
- varied, consistant, and comprehensive army construction
- fast paced play
- playing the game requires tactical sense rather than strategic sense.
How you would put that into highlights on the back of a book. I am not sure, but that is what drew me into your game.
what he said, but add in the balanced army construction that applies to all forces, including the book armies.
Aaaaaaaah........but LOTR orcs are very different from 40K orks.
the fluff in 3rd ed 40K (haven't read 4th yet) actually states that orks are a genetically engineered super fungus slave race made by some long gone ancient race. FYI..........YMMV.......
and stepping on them with a titan just releases spores that grow more orks eventually.......but it does indeed kill the one stepped on :twisted: .
actually, you just need a BIG bottle of fungicide to kill an ork
and is there any way to add an extra DC to size 1 or 2 models ?????
and how would one build a forcewall grenade ?????
infranites have a max unit size of 8.
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