
(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yeah, I kinda guessed you'd like the game...:D

However, a Thunderbolt? Do you not like the Imperials or something? Thats like asking a Grome fleet to withstand a genocidal Minbari fleet...:D The Mojhari is a good ship and all, but you might just want to have put the Impervious up against a TBolt...?

Anyway, nice to know you liked the game...:D


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

On the eleventh day of Christmas my admiral gave to me

Eleven Battle Sats

Ten Disruptors Blasting,

Nine mines a-waiting,

Eight sunbursts exploding

Seven Drones a-launching

Six Boarding Parties

Fiiiiive Anti-matter bombs...

Four Auto-cannons

Three neutron beam guns

Two fighter bays

and a heavy plasma cannon battery


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

Id much rather have more people banging heads in multiple areas than just one group.


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

On the eighth day of Christmas my admiral gave to me

Eight sunbursts exploding

Seven Drones a-launching

Six Boarding Parties

Fiiiiive Anti-matter bombs...

Four Auto-cannons

Three neutron beam guns

Two fighter bays

and a heavy plasma cannon battery


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)

Just join up to the SXShipyard group, if you want. The group needs some life injected into it...:D


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

On the fourth day of Christmas my admiral gave to me:

Four autocannons

Three Neutron Beam Guns

Two Fighter Bays

And a heavy plasma cannon battery



(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Typically, most designers design their weapons witha fairly good range--i.e., 12-15 hexes. Lighter weapons (i.e., those for taking out fighters) have a shorter range (6-9 hexes). 18 hexes are mainly used for extremely long-ranged weapon, while 3 hexes tend to be used either for really pathetic weapons (i.e., those you might expect on a freighter) or if a designer feels that the carronade and the shockwave systems don't fit their view of a particular weapon.

However, I use 18 hexes fairly often as my long-ranged weapons, with 15 and 12 hexes being for slightly weaker weapons, or weapons which I feel are short-range (plasma cannons, for example)

Anti-fighter weapons tend to range 9 hexes for me--because I like them that way. I go for 6 hexes if I feel that I need more AF power at shorter ranges. I don't use 3 hexes much, except, possibly, as weapons on vessels with a HIGH speed


(9 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Added myself--had to change the location, didn't I...I don't live on the railway...:D


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, first off, you'll be disappointed--there is no set list of weapons.

The reason? Well, lets take an example. I might think a heavy rail cannon is an extremely powerful weapon that can cause immense damage to anything it hits, while you might think of a heavy rail cannon as being a weapon that can cause some damage, but you think that lasers cause FAR more damage. You see the problem? What I think a weapon might be is different from what you think a weapon might be.

Generally, the weapons in Brigade are fairly normal--most people design vessels of the sizes in Brigade, and their weapons are fairly standard. I tend to design far heavier weapons, just because of my luck at rolling dice--if Im able to penetrate the enemy shields I know the ship will hurt...:D

Heres a general feeling of what I feel weapons should be like. Please disregard them if you wish--as Dan says, its a free game, and you can tinker around with it as much as you want...:)

Rail Cannon: Long range, fair accuracy, Extra Hull Damage, Re-Rolls PEN.
Plasma Cannon: Shorter range, accuracy better/worse, Range-Based DMG, Extra Hull Damage
Laser: Long range, good accuracy, Re-Rolls TH

And so on and so forth.


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)

Stealth generators are twice the space of a ECM system. If it were to be a simple - on the to-hit roll, it should be -2 on its own.


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)


Only problem is is the dreaded dice of doom. Theres nothing like you throwing ten drones at a target...and see only one cause damage. Thats why I like big guns. Once they hit, you know the enemy is hurting...:D


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)

I might just do that.

My vision of space combat is very simple, really. Each side has a heavy unit and two or so smaller units. The dreadnought is equipped to go toe-to-toe with another dreadnought and trade blows until one side gives up...:D The lighter units gun for each other, and attempt to shoot down fighters if there are any. Drones, since a previous battle, are a must for me--if your target hasn't got AFB, then he won't like ten drones hurling into him and detonating.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Thanks for that...:D

Im tempted to go similar to what you said, Tyrel, but because Im a greater fan of Discworld, I might have Ankh, Morpork, Klatch, XXXX, Agatea, The Hub (possibly for a system with multiple jump lanes), Muntab, Quirm and Pseudopolis


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)


After playing around for ages, I've finally decided to take the plunge and do a solo VBAM: SX campaign. However, I need ideas. More specifically, I need names.

Essentially, it will be an exploration campaign. However, there are three human factions already existing. One is called the New United Earth Alliance, and is based at Sol. The second empire is the Wolfian Star Kingdom, and is based at Wolf 359. The third empire is the Barnards Star Confederacy. This is where Im having problems. I need names for the rest of the systems in the Barnards Star Confederacy--nine explored systems, five of which are colonised (all three are INT-2 empires). I've got the names for the NUEA and the WSK, but the BSC is lost to me. The NUEA names their systems the same as now (i.e., Lalande 21185, Sirius, Procyon etc), while the WSK names their systems after cities or groups of islands belonging to the United Kingdom.

So...any ideas?


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

The ship designs...wow. Brilliant. Got me wanting to get the book just so I can see what 'Heavy Basing' means...:D

The history is okay, but if I may make a suggestion? I think the history is too long. Good, yes, but if you cut it down slightly it might be a good idea. I'll leave it up to others to explain my viewpoint, or if no-one else does, I will tomorrow, once I've thought about it for a while.


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)

Try this weapon for size...:D

Heavy Rail Cannon:

Range: 18, TH: 4+, Damage: 1/2/3, Other: Extra Hull Damage, Re-Rolls PEN.

With a TL of +2 in weapons, you can fit around 6 onto a hull 20 ship...:D

On a sorta related note...

Is this combination too powerful?

Continuing Damage, Extra Hull Damage


(39 replies, posted in Starmada)

Some of us don't like fighters! Like me, for instance. If it aint got big guns, I don't want it! I want weapons that cripple cruisers with a single salvo, not some pop-guns on my new dreadnought!

However, drones are great...:D


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

In the Compendium, there is the stingray missile that ignores all to-hit factors. I was wondering how you could calculate such a weapon in Starmada X terms.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

I was thinking, as I sometimes do, about starmada weapon abilities. Mainly, I was thinking about electronic warfare.

What would be the cost of a weapon ability that ignored ALL forms of electronic warfare? This means ECM, Stealth, LRS and EWS. Essentially, it would be a weapon too stupid to confuse, or a weapon so advanced that it uses an on-board computer to calculate attack vectors and the like.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I thought that the expendable rules floated around meant that you could only fire one shot per launcher per turn?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

There are some posts here or on the main page. However, I'll try to recite from my memory:

1) Volatile weapon ability would be a 0.7--in other words, the SU cost would be multiplied by .7

3) Very simple: multiply the SU cost by the Expendable modifier and then by the number of shots you want to hold. Note that a weapon with 5 or more shots actually takes up more room than a unlimited ammunition weapon, however.


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes, you did miss it. I missed transporters completely--I bought the Compendium, and then Starmada X Brigade, missing the transporter era...:D


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

On the second day of Christmas my Admiral gave to me

Two fighter bays

And a heavy plasma cannon battery


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)


But now, all you have to do is build massive troop ships with massive weapons to defeat the Yenpalo threat! I'll get on it right away...:D


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:
jimbeau wrote:

on p 33 of the Brigade book it says

"If a player chooses to lose troops as a result of a special equipment hit"

Yup. That's because I cut and pasted the terminology from another section. As I said before, the troops should only be sacrificed as a crew casualty, and not as a "Q" hit.

Sorry to press you here, but if you have a large amount of troops you can use them to absorb crew casualties? Say, from the Yenpalo meson beams?

Great. Now I know how to defend myself against them...:D big_smile