(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

Ooh...  I really like the dummy idea.  The movement prediction could be an issue, depending on how you plot your orders...  there are workarounds, though.  For example, my family plays with GameTable, which has a private layer where we draw movement lines that the opponent can't see (yes, we could just use the private layer for the cloaked ships in the first place, but then you still end up checking move legality afterward).  Then we reveal them all at once, so there's no possibility of knowing which ships were considered for long periods of time.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

An older BFG conversion is also present at http://www.mj12games.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2275 .  However, we got kind of simulationist...

Also, any thoughts on Holofields?  We never found a particularly satisfying conversion of those.

Note to self: acquire Romulan Armada for plasma rules.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Just one note about that; it makes carriers much more attractive targets in the early game before they get to launch everything, especially if you also play with Critical Damage from the Annex (Iron Stars originally, I think).  Had one game where an Eldar carrier had its flight decks crippled by a turn 1 nova cannon shot before it could launch anything, which pretty much won the battle for the opposing force.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Sounds doable.  Reworking the movement rules would be the only really hard part, I think (I'd go with engines rating multiplied by a constant depending on direction relative to the wind, but that's just me).  Go for it and post it in the Basin!


(80 replies, posted in Starmada)

I seriously looked into designing ships for Trav using Starmada back when I was playing Traveller d20 (since their starship construction rules were kind of bonkers), but was eventually deterred by the ridiculous range of sizes.  Starmada's space units only scale as hull^1.3, so to get a range of 100 tons to 1,000,000 tons, I was going to need hull sizes of up to 36, which I found unpalatable.  Likewise, the deadly nature of Starmada made the risk of mass-PC-death-by-vacuum-exposure a little too high for my group.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Of ISS and H&C (the only two setting / fleet books I have), I prefer H&C; not really sure why.  They're both pre-built ship heavy, and each has five fleets (basically).


Pan-Atlantic Commonwealth
Union of European States

I think part of my preference is that I can get the fluff of H&C without reading the pages upon pages of background...  as for weapon diversity, H&C has more and stranger weapons (the Eviscerator, in particular, is a mean customer responsible for gutting battleships in some of my games).


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Never spoken to Cricket in person, but he does frequent the forums (a lot; it's nice to have designer input on rules questions).

As for learning curve, fast and easy.  About 20 pages of simple-to-grasp core rules, significant chunks of which are examples, and everything else is optional.

As for versatility, see previous point about lots of options.  Following up what madpax said, you can even build non-fleets with it; there's an OGRE conversion in the ship design forums, and I've also used it for BattleTech.

One tongue-in-cheeck note, though, is that your survey method (posting on the starmada forums) is likely to get you a biased sample...


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

JohnRobert wrote:

As long as you are using just a few large ships, these games are usually settled in about 5 turns ( though the turns are somewhat long due to the large number of dice to be rolled).

Yeah, I meant in hours.  d:


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yeah, a lot of groups restrict maximum range especially.  I didn't even know there was an option for RoF 6...  but yeah, 2+ accuracy is a beast.


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

I agree that 40 hull is just kind of insane.  JR, do you ever actually play with ships this huge?  If so, how long do such games take?


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Part 1:

madpax wrote:

Just to be sure I didn't overlook something:

- Why IMP and DMG are two different stats? They could have been merged at the beginning, no?
Suppose the following gun: RNG 9 ROF 1 ACC 4+ IMP3 DMG 2. Unless I missed something, you would have exactly the same result with the following values: RNG 9 ROF 1 ACC 4+ IMP 6 (DMG would have no raison d'etre this way). This wouldn't change the attack routine, but I fail to understand why distinguish IMP and DMG.

My understanding is that the balance between impact and damage is one of gambling against the enemy's shields.  If you're feeling lucky and like a big payoff, you skimp on IMP and put your SU in damage.  Then, when you hit, you have one shot to beat their shields, and if you make it, you really make it.  If you like reliability more than the thrill of winning big, you put your SU in IMP, and when you hit, you have a lot of chances to make it through shields, but they're each worth less.  Basically, the existence of DMG as a stat lets shipbuilders put more of their statistical eggs in one basket.  It's kinda like fire-linked, but later in the shooting phase.

Part 2:

madpax wrote:

Just to be sure I didn't overlook something:
- Why the special trait 'double damage SU cost is so expensive?
Suppose the follwing gun: RNG 9 ROF 1 ACC 4+, DMG 2 (fire arcs AB). Its SU cost is 24.
If you replace the DLG 2 by DMG1 and add the double damage trait, you end up with an SU cost of 27.
So, in which way the double damage trait is more powerful than simple double the DMG value?


Well...  I can tell you where it comes in in the formulas (in weapon SU cost, you multiply by (DMG+.6).  Thus, changing from DMG 1 to DMG 2 only increases weapon cost by a factor of 2.6/1.6 = 13/8 = 1.625).  Don't know why it is thus from a game design perspective; hopefully Cricket will chime in.  On the other hand, Double Damage does let you effectively exceed the cap of 5 IMP 5 DMG if you want to build a real superweapon, so it does have its uses.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

I tend to go with Escorts down around 4, light cruisers at 6, cruisers at 8-10, battlecruisers 10-12, and battleships 12+.  Never really thought about building large sets of civilian ships... 

A "<= 4" setting would be kind of entertaining.  You'd really have to cut back.  And shields would be proportionally more expensive, while engines would be cheaper, so maneuver might outstrip defense.

Also, the Shipyard supports up to hull 30, IIRC.


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

That may help balance them.  Previously I was skeptical, as the external carrying rules seemed a bit broken, but quantifying explosion damage and restricting shield sharing may help.  On the other hand, it also seems a promising system for splitting ships into components; you could have a shield generator module, an engines module, and a couple of weapons modules on a base ship that is really just some hull and tender capacity.  This would also allow for versatile, 'hardpoint' style design.


(6 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Yeah, Fire-Linked fits perfectly.  I for one like the missiles better as weapons than strikers in this case; in addition to the reduced clutter and lack of AF defenses, weaponizing them lets you keep firing arc restrictions and prevents them from turning on a dime.


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

pixelgeek wrote:

I started to do some stats for some of the Separatist ships but the sheer number of weapons, the lack of a proper range of ships and the ridiculous number of weapons that the ships are supposed to carry stopped me in my tracks.

The navies have no real thought given to them.

This is probably because SW is extremely hero-centric, and capital ships are therefore relegated to set dressing and special effects platforms (whereas fighters are central because they can be operated individually).  This also leads me to conclude that Bekosh's MacroFighters are the best way to handle movie-like SW space combat (and also a really neat idea to start with).

Blacklancer: yeah, those look pretty reasonable.  I like the dual-mode on the X-Wings.  What references were you using?


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/317997/session-report-starmada-ae-june-5th-2008 had a couple of pre-built SW ships.  They're fairly bland, but workable.

I'd go for the "roll my own" approach, if I were in your shoes.  That way, you get exactly the ships you want / have minis for.  And hey, then you could post them in the Basin and we could refer people looking for Star Wars ships to your work.


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have a couple of issues with the proposal for EW Equipment as it currently stands:

    [*] Defensive: This should probably inflict a -1 penalty to to-hit rolls made by the affected ship.  There exists no other effect in the game (that I know of) that outright raises to-hit values.  Additionally, inflicting a penalty means it can be countered by Fire Control.

    [*] Offensive: Debatably balanced against Fire Control...  the ability to gain a +1 to hit with any and all weapons is much more powerful than negating a penalty (you could, for example, load up ships with 6+ weapons and then use Offensive Scouts to spot for them, doubling their accuracy.  You'd basically need to make EWEQ large and expensive enough that you could fill a battleship hull with 6+ weapons and an EWEQ, and have it be roughly as expensive as a battleship hull full of 5+ weapons).  The targeting limitation may balance it, but it worries me from a balance perspective.  I'd probably go with "Can give a friendly ship Fire Control" from a balance and simplicity perspective.

    [*] Jamming: This just has some unclear rules involved, since the basis (Dust Cloud) is a full-map effect rather than a limited area.  If you're inside the jamming and fire at a target outside the jamming, does it count double?  Do you just double the hexes that were jammed that the shot passes through?  What happens if you shoot in one side and out the other?  Basically, edge cases (in both possible senses of the phrase).
    Also, I could see this being useful for getting fighters into position if your opponent favors long-range anti-fighter weapons, or potentially for neutralizing enemy AFBs (depending on the ruling of effects of dust clouds on AFBs; I think by RAW it wouldn't effect them, since they effect targets in 'an adjacent hex', not 'at range 1') if you can get your jammers close enough (I see cheap low-hull, no weapons, high-engines ships with just an EWEQ and maybe Stealth or CM for this purpose - accelerate them up to fighter speeds and have them move in with a fighter wave to provide cover.  Buy and field them in bulk to make sure your fighters stay covered).

I think my biggest issues with it as a whole, though, are balance and Dan's "One Trait, One Effect" rule of thumb.  I would definitely split it into three components with separate functions and separate pricing, because as one monolithic component, it's 1) fantastically powerful (in part because it's really versatile, and in part because its functions are all strong) and 2) it's really complicated for just one thing.  Plus, the versatility would make it really, really hard to price (though anything that grants an ability to another ship is going to be impossible to price perfectly, unless you have its price be a function of the composition of the fleet that is fielding it, which is just a nightmare from a paperwork perspective).

I do like JR's notion of limited range on the scout abilities, though "Target Lock" is totally foreign (I don't have the KA/RA books, so if it's something in there, that would explain it).  Bonuses to finding Cloaked vessels make sense as well; that's probably one of the more elegant implementations of anti-cloak technology possible.

While we're at it, I'm going to throw out the notion of hyperdrive interdiction - when active, subtracts 2 (or some other constant, or (1d6 mod 3) plus 1, or ???) from the hyperdrive build-up pools of all ships within some number of hexes.  Probably a 5% SU, x1.15 or x1.2 (or so) ORAT ability.  Alternatively, you could buy hyperdrive interdiction nodes kind of like mine factors (at a flat cost per node).  Then, each node can be used during the shooting phase to make an 'attack' against a target with difficulty varying by range like Teleporters (maybe 1d6+2 or 2d6 vs. range to target).  A success reduces the target's hyperdrive pool by 1.  Or make them work just like mines that inflict hyperdrive pool damage to any target in the field during the end phase.  Kind of special purpose, and I don't see myself ever using it, but it does fit in some universes (I believe SW has hyperspace interdictors, for example).


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think we discussed something similar to your Scout idea here, a long while ago.  I believe the notion of being able to buy extra Searchlights has also been proposed for scouts (but again, pricing was an issue there).


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yeah, missiles as strikers vs. missiles as weapons is always tricky.  I used range 18 RoF 1 Acc 4+ Imp 1 Dam 1 Doubled Range Mods Slow Firing weapons as torpedoes in my Battlefleet Gothic conversion, and it worked really well.  It was way easier then keeping track of piles of strikers, ships using them were a lot cheaper than they had been with strikers, and they had much better sustained firepower since they didn't run out of torps.  On the other hand, if you make missiles into weapons, you can't block them without blocking everything else just as well (via Countermeasures or Stealth), which doesn't sound like what you really want.

From your weapon descriptions, here are the traits I would use for each:
Spinal Mass Accelerators: Minimum Range or Inverted Range Mods, Catastrophic, Ship-Exclusive (or the Spinal Mounts from the Shipyard / SX)
Disruptor Torps: Strikers with Piercing (+1 or +2), Bomber
Turreted Accelerators: Ship-Exclusive
GARDIANs: Ignores Shields, Anti-Fighter

Also, upon further consideration, I probably do not have the RL time to learn a new system and play another campaign since my True20 campaign is starting in a week and there are midterms between now and then...


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

Link to the Shipyard thread.

Dual-Mode (which is what I think you're referencing) is an interesting idea for that...  the main issue with it is that all of your lasers then have to fire in the same mode on any given turn (assuming they're all in the same battery), which really hurts the versatility.  I'm a fan of RoF-3 Imp-1 Dam-1 Anti-Fighter weapons for multipurpose close defense; Anti-Fighter doesn't hurt their function against ships, and RoF is effective against both targets (whereas Imp and Dam are wasted against fighters).

Yeah, technically there's no rules-enforced upper limit on hull size...  it's just a sanity question, really.  I know the Shipyard caps at 30, which is plenty huge enough for most anything you'd want to put on any one ship.  And yeah, you don't see a whole lot of size 1 and 2...  I once watched a game between a normal-ish fleet and one composed entirely of size 1 ships, each with a single Repeating weapon.  It was actually kind of efficient, since there was a lot of wasted damage against the little buggers, and they hit pretty hard for their size.  I think they still lost, but it was really really close.

And while I would be potentially interested, I know nothing of VBAM...


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Mainly I was throwing this out there for those who advocate using pre-emptive AFBs as a kind of compromise position between "AFBs are awesome and always get the first strike" and "AFBs are useless because they never get the first strike."  Not so much to start a debate over whether fighters are overpowered or not.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

So, while re-reading the old house-rules thread, a possible solution to the "AFBs suck because they can't shoot during the fighter phase" hit me.

Short version: Let ships with AFBs have an 'AFB Combat Air Patrol' mode that costs fighter flight activations to use.

Detailed version:

1) Count ships with AFBs as part of the total number of fighters when determining the number of fighter flights each player gets to activate per cycle during the fighter phase.

2) When you get a chance to activate a flight, you may instead activate an AFB-armed ship.  During this activation, you may put any number of the ship's AFBs on 'alert' (AFB Combat Air Patrol mode).

3) When a fighter flight enters a hex adjacent to a ship whose AFBs are on alert, the AFBs may fire on the flight (to a maximum of one shot per AFB per fighter phase).  You may choose not to fire all of the AFBs on alert at a given flight entering an adjacent hex (for example, if you have 4 AFBs on alert, you could fire 2 and save 2 for another fighter flight that you expect to engage you during the next activation cycle).  However, AFBs put on alert during the fighter phase may not be fired during the shooting phase. 

Thoughts?  It'd also be neat if there were a weapon trait to do something along these lines (for longer-range AFB interceptions), but hard to price.  One interesting effect this creates is that if you have fighters already at attack range with your ship, alert mode is no use because it only triggers on fighter movement (unless they're circling to hit a weak screen or facet).  Not sure if that's exactly what we're going for, but it's an interesting side effect.


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

Not particularly familiar with Mass Effect, but I'll give these my best shot:

1) The size categories you typically see in Starmada (in the published supplements, at least) is that frigates and corvettes are down below 4-5 hull, light cruisers are in the 5-6 range, cruisers are 7-9, battlecruisers 10-11, battleships 12+, capping around 15 usually.  You could put dreadnoughts in the 14-15 range.  There's some debate as to whether it's more accurate to rate ship categories by CRAT, though (so anything above, say, 500 points might be a dreadnought, while 250-500 might be cruisers and below 250 frigates).  It's pretty arbitrary, and doesn't really have any rules effect.  Just assign what works.

2) You could use Anti-Fighter Batteries from ISS.  They sound similar to what you're describing (in terms of being able to effect both ships and fighters at close ranges).  The range on them might be a little too short for your liking; if that's the case, just build range 3 anti-fighter weapons for them.  You could also use the Point Defense special ability, possibly in combination with anti-fighter batteries.

3) Not sure what you mean here...  probably a more VBAM specific thing?  You could try PMing OldnGrey; I know he's done some conversion work on VBAM and 'mada compatibility.

4) Well...  you could just make it a G arc weapon with some impressive stats (and maybe slow-firing for flavor).  I believe the Shipyard (see the files subforum) also has an option for spinal-mount weapons, but it's not really in the rules as written for starmada (I think they're basically G arc weapons whose damage scales with hull size).  Likewise your heavy broadside guns; just lock it into C or D arcs and give it some nasty firepower.  Minimum range is also not bad for modeling guns with slow tracking that can't be brought to bear well on nearby targets.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Welcome aboard, matey (also, happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day)!

14000 points?  Bloody hell...  we tried 5k points once and gave up after a couple of hours.  I salute you, sir.

1) Yep, weapons in the same battery can fire at different targets (though if they're dual-mode weapons, they all have to have the same mode on any given turn).

2) Correct again.

3) I believe the official ruling on that is that yes, firing Inverted Range Stuff at Stealthed ships works well.

4) I'm pretty sure Regen doesn't affect Marines, since they don't actually cause hull hits.  Should work on hyperdrive malfunctions, though.

5) From page 24: "Once all weapons of a given battery have been destroyed, further damage to that battery is ignored."  So yep, all three of those rolls would be ineffective.

Yeah, the 'forward focused fire' issue comes up a lot.  There aren't a whole lot of really good workarounds, other than Cloaking and Screens.

Hmmm...  a couple of options.  Countermeasures sounds like your best bet, since what doesn't hit you can't hurt you.  Armor Plating can help reduce the damage that gets through your shields, but I kind of prefer CM.  Upgrading to Ignores Shields weapons from Rules Annex helps to beat Shield 5 ships pretty handily, or putting piercing on your own weapons.  Lots of fighters can also put the kibosh on high-impact weapons, since the impact is totally wasted against them.  In theory you could deny your opponent the benefits of Piercing by using shields 0, but that tends to get ugly (I had a fleet with shields 0 and Ignore Shields weapons across the board.  It was entertaining to play with against high-shields, piercing combo fleets).

Also, nice looking ships!  Kinda have a Homeworld feel.  I think I've seen the same type of minis in some pics from con games, but I don't recall precisely.


(10 replies, posted in News)

All systems green, fighters prepped for launch.