I have a couple of issues with the proposal for EW Equipment as it currently stands:
[*] Defensive: This should probably inflict a -1 penalty to to-hit rolls made by the affected ship. There exists no other effect in the game (that I know of) that outright raises to-hit values. Additionally, inflicting a penalty means it can be countered by Fire Control.[*] Offensive: Debatably balanced against Fire Control... the ability to gain a +1 to hit with any and all weapons is much more powerful than negating a penalty (you could, for example, load up ships with 6+ weapons and then use Offensive Scouts to spot for them, doubling their accuracy. You'd basically need to make EWEQ large and expensive enough that you could fill a battleship hull with 6+ weapons and an EWEQ, and have it be roughly as expensive as a battleship hull full of 5+ weapons). The targeting limitation may balance it, but it worries me from a balance perspective. I'd probably go with "Can give a friendly ship Fire Control" from a balance and simplicity perspective.
[*] Jamming: This just has some unclear rules involved, since the basis (Dust Cloud) is a full-map effect rather than a limited area. If you're inside the jamming and fire at a target outside the jamming, does it count double? Do you just double the hexes that were jammed that the shot passes through? What happens if you shoot in one side and out the other? Basically, edge cases (in both possible senses of the phrase).
Also, I could see this being useful for getting fighters into position if your opponent favors long-range anti-fighter weapons, or potentially for neutralizing enemy AFBs (depending on the ruling of effects of dust clouds on AFBs; I think by RAW it wouldn't effect them, since they effect targets in 'an adjacent hex', not 'at range 1') if you can get your jammers close enough (I see cheap low-hull, no weapons, high-engines ships with just an EWEQ and maybe Stealth or CM for this purpose - accelerate them up to fighter speeds and have them move in with a fighter wave to provide cover. Buy and field them in bulk to make sure your fighters stay covered).
I think my biggest issues with it as a whole, though, are balance and Dan's "One Trait, One Effect" rule of thumb. I would definitely split it into three components with separate functions and separate pricing, because as one monolithic component, it's 1) fantastically powerful (in part because it's really versatile, and in part because its functions are all strong) and 2) it's really complicated for just one thing. Plus, the versatility would make it really, really hard to price (though anything that grants an ability to another ship is going to be impossible to price perfectly, unless you have its price be a function of the composition of the fleet that is fielding it, which is just a nightmare from a paperwork perspective).
I do like JR's notion of limited range on the scout abilities, though "Target Lock" is totally foreign (I don't have the KA/RA books, so if it's something in there, that would explain it). Bonuses to finding Cloaked vessels make sense as well; that's probably one of the more elegant implementations of anti-cloak technology possible.
While we're at it, I'm going to throw out the notion of hyperdrive interdiction - when active, subtracts 2 (or some other constant, or (1d6 mod 3) plus 1, or ???) from the hyperdrive build-up pools of all ships within some number of hexes. Probably a 5% SU, x1.15 or x1.2 (or so) ORAT ability. Alternatively, you could buy hyperdrive interdiction nodes kind of like mine factors (at a flat cost per node). Then, each node can be used during the shooting phase to make an 'attack' against a target with difficulty varying by range like Teleporters (maybe 1d6+2 or 2d6 vs. range to target). A success reduces the target's hyperdrive pool by 1. Or make them work just like mines that inflict hyperdrive pool damage to any target in the field during the end phase. Kind of special purpose, and I don't see myself ever using it, but it does fit in some universes (I believe SW has hyperspace interdictors, for example).