(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

I had considered initiative modifiers as well, with the chits in a cup idea, but at a fleet level.  I was thinking something based on the Aux systems - flag bridge, C&C etc. The fleets flag ship (or maybe the whole fleet) has it's C&C compared with the enemies. For every 100 points difference the side with the higher value can place that many extra chits in the cup, of either color.

So I have 8 ships, he has 6 ships. So there are 8 of my chits, and 6 of his.

I have a flag ship with 300 C&C, where as he only has 200. I can therefore place 1 extra chit in the cup, either his or mine. I'd probably place his during movement, so he is more likely to have to move first, and mine during Combat so I am more likely to fire first.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I realise it means nothing per se to the ship designer. However, that is beside the point. The drydock is just there to cost the units and print them out, and aux systems are all the same from that point of view.

What I couldn't work out is how to get the drydock to recognise the extra aux systems? what is the syntax.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

As it stands it is better for damage/cost efficiency to have Dx2 than BAS=2 or 2 weapons.
It better to have Dx3 than Dx2.
It is better to have CTS than Dx3.
It is better to have Dx2,Dx3,CTS than anything else. That is 21 damage per hit on average for a *15.5 cost. The fact you have only a few weapons looks like it may be a bonus as well, as you end with a few dice rapidly becoming X-X-1-1-1-1 which makes any penalties moot after a couple, unless you can make it an extreme penalty. I need to play test that last bit though.

So is it a general aspect of starmada that you tend to fewer heavy hitting weapons, as either BAS or extra weapons is so much less efficient?

I can see that more weapons and dice has some bonus, rolling against large number of seekers/fighters etc.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Math Teacher here. Any number multiplied by 2, then by three is increased by a factor of six.

Wow, 46 years old and I never realised that! Good job you are a Math teacher.

Can you point me at any rules or errata that confirms what you are saying. In particular which end the CTS gets multiplied, before or after the Dx2 or 3.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

Following the general pattern of +2 doubles your firepower (before rounding) I'd say if +3 and +4 continued to benefit you then:

+3 = back to the 2nd number and x4
+4 = stay on first number and x4.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

That seems rather potent to me. Looks like the game ends up a crap shoot of who gets the uber lucky roll. I think we'd just ban any combo if that was the case.

Reading the rules as written I'd say that a 'rolled' hit goes through each attribute.

x2 = 2 hits
x3 = 3 hts
cts = D6 hits

So overall D6 +5, or 6-11 for cts, Dx2, Dx3.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

I played my first game of nova starmada the other day. Our group is 3 players, which makes some games a bit awkward. I felt the existing starmada initiative was in that category, plus I'm not keen on the predictable move/fire system after the roll off.

As an alternative I was thinking of the following, which retains the basic gist of the existing system, whilst fitting better with multi player and being less predictable, you will never be sure when you move or fire a ship, only the odds.

1)For each ship on a side at the start of move or combat place a marker for that side in a cup.
2)to see who has to move or fire next pull a chit from the cup, that side moves or fires a ship next. Do not put the chit back.

So if one side has 5 ships left and the other 3 there will be 8 chits in the cup, 5 for side 1 and 3 for side 2. This means that to start with side 1 is most likely to have to move a ship, it is also more likely he will get 2 moves in a row to start with. Equally he will start the combat phase with a better chance of being first to fire. The odds keep changing though, if side 1 gets the 2 first moves they will now have 3 chits each and a 50/50 of being next.

At the start of a given turn the smaller fleets will have an edge in move order, but larger fleets an edge in combat order. Though nothing is guaranteed.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

If you can combine cts with x2 or x3 how does it work.

Do you convert each rolled hit and sum, so x2 = 2 and cts = +D6. So D6+2 per rolled hit.
Do you x2 then roll a D6 per hit. So 2D6 per rolled  hit.
Do you roll a D6 then double the result. So 2D6 per rolled  hit.

Note the 2D6 options are different to each other, one produces a bell curve per hit centered around 7, the other a flat distribution where 2 is as likely 6, 8 or 12.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

If I am on the left most column and have a +1 then I go to the right number and double.
If I am on the left most column and have a +2 then I double the left most number.

It says that +2 is very rare. Maybe, maybe not, it seemed pretty common in our first game the other day?

What about +3. If I am diffuse at short range (+2) and through a weak side of directional defense (+1) I can get +3. If am using the sensor modes rules then that can get to +4 and +3 seems not so uncommon even without directional defense weakness.

Is there no bonus once you get to +2 over the left most column.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Is it intended that you can combine these. If so is that x6 or x5.
What about cts, how does that interact with Dx2 and Dx3.

I was assuming that all 3 were mutually exclusive as each turns a rolled hit into 2, 3 or D6 hits implying (to me anyway) only 1 would actually be the final result, but I saw at least one post where some one had a ship with 2 of the above on the same weapon.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)


How do I add aux systems to a ship, I've tried a few combinations that seemed reasonable and none seem to work.

Can it handle systems that are not noted in the book - I'm wanting to add a Hangar (not for fighters) using the aux system concept.