As to figs, what I've done for a friend of mine is take images from the net, port them to MS Paint, and then adjust them a little as needed. For example, for a Star Trek Miranda class, I used Paint to to move the warp nacelles out to the sides, and then I print it on card stock - I glue a piece of foam-board the same shape as the hull on the bottom, and fold the nacelles down after that, I add a "roll bar" with a small piece of foam board for the Torp launcher on top, and it's done. Red marker dots give me the front red launch ports for the torps, but that is optional.
I recently did up a Constitution class for him, but that was done in several pieces, and am now doing a B5 Omega -- mostly in flat views, and them cutting notches so that I can slide one inside the other at a right angle... from the front, it looks like a plus sign (so far, I have an idea on that, and am working on some ways to make them more visually appealing from various angles, but for now, it is functional.
However, the Trek ships seem to lend themselves to this, while the B5 ships are much more difficult (my Larson destroyers for Trek tend to be very easy to make).... I also plan on seeing if I can create a series of scratch designed ships for Starmada.... I'll let you know Dan how that project comes along (trust me, I get distracted as much, if not more than, the rest of the people here)
Although I actually like to scratch build my own figs, my friend absolutely hates the idea.... plus he has toddlers.... and no fig, no matter how many hull points it has, can survive a toddler. With these, he just prints up new ones at need, and keeps going with it...