(0 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Finished the last of my UFP ships for Klingon Armada, a BC and a DN. Pics at my blog.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've always seen them more as scenario-specific equipment rather than another weapon, especially for Klingon Armada. However, I have yet to play a game that would require their use as an actual probe.


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Finally got around to finishing the Day One campaign with the kids today.  Pics and commentary here...

http://scsminimadness.blogspot.com/2012 … sault.html


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

What I like about it is that the only book keeping is which divisions have been used and how many points each team scored.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Played the first game of our Day One campaign. The Klingons put a hurting on the Federation in this round. The next couple won't be so easy.



(10 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I do have some SSDs for them, but they need to be redone. I didn't like the way they played the last couple times I used them. Of course now with the new version on the horizon I'm somewhat hesitant to work on them.


(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

Taking a lunch break from our first game using these movement rules bolted on to SAE. The kids have taken to them quickly and not writing move orders has sped things up well. Has made sabre dancing with the Klingons easier to do. (Keep in mind that when playing with the kids  we had been using the simplified movement optional rule)

My oldest son has just learned, rather painfully, that just because his frigates can move most of the way across the board it doesn't mean it is a good idea. My dreadnought just took one out with less than it full complement of weapons and the heavy cruisers will at a minimum put a hurt on the second one.


(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm going to try this out in my next Klingon Armada game with the kids, give a feel of inertia without a lot of record keeping overhead. They'll appreciate not writing movement orders.


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Played another game of Klingon Armada with the kids, pictures and batrep at my blog


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Some pictures of my most recent game with the kids in which I used a Federation Commander scenario to play Klingon Armada.


The immediately previous post contains my thoughts on using FC scenarios with KA.


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Pics and commentary at my blog


(3 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Thank you gentlemen.


(3 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Can't wait to get these on the table...

(link to blog post as the image is rather large)
http://scsminimadness.blogspot.com/2011 … adron.html


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

If you look in the Shipyard subforum there's a thread with all the ships from the books converted.


(10 replies, posted in Miniatures)

cricket wrote:

Very nice!

Thanks! Just three frigates left for the squadron.


(10 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Finally finished up the carriers...

<IMG src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kdVvw0Gy3_I/TU7oTZQIW1I/AAAAAAAAAy4/Nx0lQk01qfE/s1600/Mauridian+Carriers.jpg">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kdVvw0Gy3_I/TU7oTZQIW1I/AAAAAAAAAy4/Nx0lQk01qfE/s1600/Mauridian+Carriers.jpg</IMG>

The ship design rules are in the base Starmada: Admiralty Edition rulebook.  You won't get anything as far as the rest of the book goes as the gameplay rules are the same as in KA.  I too tried using the design spreadsheet before buying the rules, it didn't go too well for me and I'm fairly well versed in the use of Excel.


(4 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Blackhawk33 wrote:
ctaylor wrote:

How do the tunnels and bug hole work?

I didn't have any ideas about how to play them, but I knew smoeone smart would come up with appropriate rules! FYI, the tunnel markers is suppose to be "Sizziling Bacon". If you get that reference, your are a true SST-fan!

ctaylor wrote:

I like your icons for Recon and Stealth. More "icon-y" than the ones I used. I may steal them... ^_^

I just used one of the basic shapes that Powerpoint had available.

+10 for the sizzling bacon reference!  :geek:


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

I tried to stat them following the descriptions of the vessels (at Wookiepedia) as best I could, but even the smallest Star Destroyers have an insane number of weapons.  A lot of abstraction needs to be done to make it work.


(105 replies, posted in Game Design)

Any chance those vehicles might make an appearance in miniature form?


(3 replies, posted in Game Design)

I would say look at the operations conducted in a conflict that most closely matches the concept of your game and adapt accordingly.


(7 replies, posted in Wardogs)

I downloaded the demo a long time ago, but have yet to kick the tires.  Unfortunately I'm going to be Iraq next week, so won' t be doing much gaming anytime soon.


(7 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Just thought I'd throw it out there for those afflicted with Big Stompy Robot Syndrome like myself.  lol


(7 replies, posted in Wardogs)

For those who felt that Reaper's CAV minis were too big/expensive, it appears that at an undetermined point in the relatively near future they are going to redesigned and cast at 8mm.  (Apparently the guy running CAV now thinks that all 6mm producers have creeped to 8mm and is calling a duck a duck.  I think it's going to lead to consumer confusion.)  Details can be found on Reaper's message board, but thought I'd put it out here if you like CAV minis but didn't want to pay for them or they didn't fit with what you already have.


(1 replies, posted in Defiance)

Anyone have links to battle reports for this game.  I'm trying to get a feel for how the game flows.  I've printed the demo rules and will try a small game soon.