(1 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Hi. I just have the demo but want to pick up the rules. Reminds me somewhat of Starmada.  smile
Anyway, how are units organized? Are mechs just single units or are they in larger formations ala a Lance, etc.? Are armor or infantry organized differently?




(9 replies, posted in ARES)

Well, I'm real late to this party.

Andy, i ran the heck out of ARES 'fast play' for Lord of the Rings. I used only one wound for most figs. I didn't allow any borrowing of actions except for Heroes. The games were actually quite large skirmishes. We had a couple of hundred figs on the tabletop. The games played quickly. We had a great time using the rules. I only stopped due to sliding into a set that handled even larger battles. One of our players got thumped pretty handily in an early game and thereafter had a reluctance to use the rules. Each troop type felt 'right' during play. Dwarves were nasty in combat. Uruk Hai were extremely tough but not very numerous. Elves were deadly with bow fire. Orcs and goblins were cheap and packed into large units and died in droves. Trolls were scary to face. My son ran Gimli a few times. He was not someone that Orcs wanted to mess with. I liked the fact that the game was focused on regular troops. However,  named characters could cause some real problems for an opponent. You just had to make sure they were supported.

I may actually need to pull the rules back out. i have been slowly picking up a load of figs for LOTR. May need to fight out some new battles. Ok, now I gotta go print off all those lists again.





(45 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Yeah, that was me who asked at TMP. I tend to spend a lot more time there than anywhere else. I'd like to see these conversions even in their older format.




(45 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Does anyone have the links to this Classic B-Tech downloads?



Is this REALLY going to happen? I even went out and bought a new vinyl sea cloth for my ships!




(5 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

So, when will we see the scenarios for the Solomon's?





(5 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Atlantic or Pacific? US Cruisers are fairly pricey compared to most others. The German Navy is a relative bargain.  :-)



I have run it before in 1/700. I added the Prinz Eugen. It's main contribution was to try and torpedo the POW.




(5 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

All the discussion about GF over at TMP has me pulling out the rules again for WWII. I have finally picked up more kits so my US fleet is improving. I now have 5 Heavy and 2 Light Cruisers and 6-7 Battlewagons plus a load of DD's. The CL's held me up a while since they run about 30 dollars each. Funny some of the BB's run 10-12 dollars. The Atalntic British and German ships are generally pretty cheap (about the same price in 1/700 as in GHQ 1/2400). They are all in my preffered scale of 1/700. I increased my table size as well. I plan on running some games. My table is FINALLY staying cleared off on a regular basis. The only thing I need to decide on is whether to do the Pacific or Atlantic. Lots of great scenarios for both!



What scale are you running this in? I/2400 or maybe 1/3000?
Sounds interesting. Take a bunch of pics.



Hi Dan. Thanks for the response. A question. I will never use the disks. I am using my 1/700 scale aircraft. Will future aircraft releases have a non-disk option which will reduce the overall cost for both MJ12 and the buyer?



Or do you have to buy the disks also?




(13 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Hi, I understand what you are saying. However, the rules DO include a WW2 scenario. The fact that MJ12 hasn't pushed the WW2 aspect doesn't mean they won't work for WW2. They do a very nice job of it. You would probably have to tweak the CnC rules a little. But that could be done in the scenario book. Like I said there are a boat load of VAS players from Mongoose out there who would probably be interested in scenario books for Ww2. I know Kevin had the stuff pretty much ready. Do a Print on Demand and you have lost what?  big_smile You can still put out WWI and Predread booklets. I'd like to see them all. I just think the WWII booklets have a commercial viability.




(4 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Chiming in a tad late but I have run several GF WW2 games using 1/700 scale ships. The rules work fine and there are a LOAD of scenarios in all theaters where aircraft aren't a factor. The rules work well for WW2. Just don't expect to do Midway like Kevin said.




(13 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Of course I would say #3 and #4. Way more WWII gamers that WW1. You could also use the same scenario books for other WW2 naval rules which may mean more sales. Possibly even convince some of those OTHER players to give GF a shot since they already own the ships.




(19 replies, posted in Spitting Fire)

Ok, how about now?  big_smile I just discovered these rules at TMP. I downloaded the PDF and am pretty geeked. I have loads of 1/700 scale aircraft and want to play. Gonna pick up the rules in the next few days.

Been looking for a larger scale aircraft game for several years now. Thought DB Air might come of something but never did.

Do you have a bundle price for buying the print copy and file together?




(45 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Hey Christopher. None of the Mech links seem to work for me. Also do you have a link to your homepage.




(7 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

I'm actually toying with picking up all the ships for Yellow Seas using the Houston's Ships 1:1000 scale ships. A friend of mine has the line. I currently have all the ships from Navwar.




(1 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

I haven't checked in for quite a while. if you are still around email me at johnleahy55 at yahoo dot com and I'll help you out. i LOVE GF for WW2. I have run several games in the Pacific and Atlantic.

I use 1/700 scale ships.




(6 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Hi. I use 1/700 scale ships and Grand fleets for much of my WW2 gaming. I have used the aircraft rules in my attack of the swordfish on the Bismarck. I have scenarios for the Atlantic and Guadalcanal and afterwards. I believe the rules work quite well. Kevin had developed some radar rules to use. I have probably run around a dozen WW2 games using the rules. I recently finished up my Yamato for its clash with my US BB's around Leyte. If using mass aircraft I would use the GQ2 rules. they should work fine.




(22 replies, posted in ARES)

Hey Demian. I like unit activation. Howver, I was made to understand that Defiance was designed to handle up to say 50 figures per side and started to lessen its effeciency after that. Is that not correct? The Ares fast play variant (which i helped to create based on my style of play) is that normal humans have a single wound. This means troops die much more quickly and you don't have to track all those wounds.  big_smile I have had around 100+ figs on the table using Ares for around 2-2.5 hour games.




(22 replies, posted in ARES)

Hey Dan. I appreciate your comments. I have never seen Ares Sci0fi as a competitor to Defiance. The two games are quite different. I'm not looking for all the extra chrome that comes with Defiance. Ares Sci-fi (reduced wound fast play variant) allows for 50-100+ figs per side with no problems. Defiance iusn't really designed for that.




(22 replies, posted in ARES)

Hi. Being a big fan of the Ares system and having used it for both Star Wars and Warzone conversion. I was wondering if there were any plans on taking the rules in that direction? Err, not neccessarily for those systems but for Sci-fi.




(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Ok, see what I get for ignoring the MJ12 forums for so many months! I sorta drifted away when they switched from Yahoo. I'm totally interested in everything about B5, Battlestar Galactica( my ships should be here Monday), Trek and Star Wars, especially if you are involved in the design process, Jerry!



Thranac wrote:

Hey all,

I am very pleased and releaved to announce that the Narn are finally done.  They were a troublesome lot. I am also releasing John Voysey's Hurr. I also edited the Cascor so they are easier to read.

In the works:
Me: Hyach and Yolu

John: Grome and Gaim

If anybody else wants in let me know please.

