Leviathan  by FASA, from the Renegade Legion series. Stately starship combat.


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

Frak, feldercarb, centon, yaren - BSG classic (not all swear words, last 2 are time)
Frell, dren, tralk - Farscape

My wife and I still use frell and dren in "polite" conversation. No one has ever asked what we mean.


(56 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've always thought that high speed targets should be harder to hit than slower ones. To keep things simple you could add the engine rating of the target to the range. So a range 30 weapon shooting at a very fast speed 18 ship would have to get very close for its weapons to be effective.

my 1.414 cents


(3 replies, posted in Discussion)

I hang my head in shame. Thanks for the quick response.


(3 replies, posted in Discussion)

How do I get the forum to stop sending me e-mail for every single post? I check regularly enough that I don't need the "reminder". I don't see it listed in my preferences.

Sorry for the total lack of forum-fu


(50 replies, posted in Discussion)

Yeah, my fault, sorry. I've always been a fan of Bass Ale, and Harp's Lager. But since I quit drinking (Geez has it really been 20 YEARS!) I find I like Amber O'Douls.


(50 replies, posted in Discussion)

Reapercon is in Denton, TX May 15-18.

I was talking to TobascoJunkie, as I know him from the Reaper boards, but I'm sure all would be welcome. They play CAV and Warlord there mostly, since they are the publishers of those games


(50 replies, posted in Discussion)

Are you going to Reapercon? I might be persuaded to bring along some ships this year, if you can bring a map and rules.


(15 replies, posted in Starmada)

Be sure to give yourself time to develop tactics for the various races. Each race would give a great deal of thought on how to use each type of ship. Changes to the ships would be slow in coming, so the local commanders would have to live with what they have for a while. I thought of doing something similar with a VBAM campaign, so I'm looking forward to hearing how this goes.