Thinking about the adaptation:
Federation and Klingons will be fairly easy....special rule for 2 turn weapons?
Multi-turn weapons are pretty much mandatory for any SFB simulation. Easy enough to do, though.
Orions - Option Mounts...otherwise easy
There's also engine doubling (which should boost speed, offense, and defense at the cost of some permanent damage) and many Orions have cloaks as well. They use pretty much every Galactic weapon in those option mounts, which makes them one of the last races to get tackled, since you'll need so much else defined first.
Much the same could be said of the boys from the WYN cluster, I might add.
Tholian Web will be interesting to address...
Deciding how much the ability to make blocking terrain is worth is likely to be a chore. Even more so when it can be placed at a distance via Web Casters.
Kzinti will need a "shortcut" for all those drones...
Tricky. Seeking weapons are just as important to the SFB "feel" as multi-turn arming weapons, but Starmada doesn't want the level of clutter SFB sometimes (often?) achieves.
Romulans - well, if you've got multi-turn rules in place for the Photon Torpedo, then all you need to cover is the Cloak.
The plasmas are both multi-turn and seeking. They've also got about a bajillion different arming options these days, which might or might not be vital enough to include in the port. Should be interesting to see how that gets handled.
Gorns - Basically, Ugly lizardman-Romulans without the Cloak.
They also turn like loaded cement trucks driving on greased ice. Makes me wonder if varying turn modes are also a mandatory part of an SFB-Starmada translation.
Hydrans...not too hard (Hellbores - special rule), Fusion beams are going to be nasty, but I've already mulled those over - REAL easily covered in the basic rules.
Hellbores (and enveloping plasma, if used) make directional shielding/screens pretty much mandatory, although probably with fixed values rather than allowing free reassignment each round.
Lyrans - eh, special rule for the ESG....
Assuming speeds aren't going to be in the up-to-32 range like real SFB, the ESGs probably need to affect a much smaller area, perhaps as small as just a single hex. Similarly, web areas (particularly cast web) need to be reduced considerably to compensate for average speeds being much lower.
Andromedans - Tractor Repulsor, Displacement Device, Power Absorbers...NOT gonna be much fun - but then, they never were - they're all dead anyway..
TR beams are just another two-turn direct-fire weapon, albeit a nasty one. Displacement Device is a slightly unreliable teleporter gadget that can be used on both friendlies and enemies, and it needs to be "scaled" like the ESG and webs so that the distances moved aren't absurdly out of proportion to normal speeds. Unless we're doing some kind of actual power allocation (which I'd argue against, personally) Power Absorbers could just be treated as quirky shields. Maybe have them give the ship a bonus to movement if they took fire the turn before (representing the use of stored power) but also have them cause extra damage if the ship in question takes a shield hit.
ISC - Another Romulan without Cloak - pretty easy once you've got the 3+ turn weapons. Oh, and the Fearsome PPD - another mulit-turn weapon...
The PPD is another "splash" weapon like Hellbores and enveloper plasma, but the effect is a fairly small one and might be ignorable. Going to be tricky to retain the flavor of the weapon without impulse-by-impulse fire though. Perhaps give it a fairly high damage (like, say, 4) and let it reroll missed shots up to three times, with each reroll costing it 25% of the damage?
I'm not sure that's everyone - Oh, and the Carnivons....Paravians, Mechad, et al....
Holy cats, don't let Steve Cole hear you mention the Mechad, or any of the other stuff from those Galactic Empires IP-pirates. That's an era best forgotten. The horrors of the Indirigan boomerang weapon will haunt me for all eternity...a seeking weapon whose warhead strength, speed, and turn mode change every few impulses? Shudder...
And you didn't even mention Omega Sector, or the Lesser Magellanic Cloud races, or the Juggernaut, or space monsters...