Topic: Continuing Damage VS Extra Hull Damage
Ho to all!!
I'm a newbie at Starmada, but this jump to me:
Continuing damage is rated 1,7 while Extra Hull Damage is rated 3,0.
Now, If I've understand how they works there are somethings wrong...
Making an example:
I'm doing 6 point of damage, and roll 1,2,3,4,5,6.
In the case of a Continuing Damage I'll do 3 point of Hull, and two Weapons, Shield and Engine hits. Now I take the 2, 4 and 6 and reroll them. Say they came with a 1,2,3. There are another 2 hull damage and another two Engine Hit and another Shield Hit. Now I roll the 2 and this come to a 4!! So another Shield Hit. Roll again and come to a 5, for a final Weapon Hit and another Hull Hit. So I've managed to have 6 hull hit, 4 engine, 4 shield and 3 weapon... Ouch...
In the case of a Extra damage you got "only" point of Hull, and two Weapons, Shield and Engine hits.
Now, I'm pretty sure this can't be correct, or this abilities are bad priced.
Please let me know where I wrong.