Re: Point-costing Range
The problem with the Range 30/Speed 6 Sniper BBs isn't the range 30 per se; the problem is that they get several turns (often an entire game's worth) of unanswered fire, because they're not adding their speed to their range - they're only letting the opponent add the difference between their speeds every turn. Without weighting arcs for this factor (which you've indicated is a no-go), you really can't close the door on the problem.
I don't think I've said that's a "no-go". But I may have pretended not to hear the question...
What the current system (and even my proposed "solution") DOESN'T account for is the increased usefulness of early damage -- knocking out weapons, reducing shields before the shorter-ranged ship gets to use its limited number of return shots.
How many times does the r30 weapon get to shoot before the r18 weapons get into range?
I really don't believe there is a definitive answer. For example, one possibility is "infinity". Just turn your r30 ship around and move away from your opponent. Thus, if the engine factors are equal, the ship with the longer-ranged weapons will always win.
Next, consider the fixed-point scenario. A starbase is 100 hexes away, with unlimited range on its weapons. You have a ship with range-X weapons and engines Y. How many turns must you weather the storm before getting to return fire?
Answer: (100-X)/Y
So, a ship with engines 6 and range 18 would have to suffer through 13.7 turns of enemy fire, while a ship with engines 6 and range 30 would have to suffer through 11.7. Increase the first ship's engines to 7, and the result is also 11.7. (Thus, engines 7, range 18 is equal to engines 6, range 30?)
By this measure, speed is MUCH more important than range... which experience shows is incorrect.
I honestly believe the best we can come up with is "reasonably close"... there will always be cases in which a combination of range and speed can be shown to "really" have a different effectiveness than that we give it in the point system.
Majestic Twelve Games