Topic: Destroying 'invulnerable' systems
The special systems (drones for KA, for example, but also countermeasures, fire control, fighters, etc.) exist till the ship is gone.
Before that, they are intact and you don't fear losing them.
I've found that on the web:
Count all the "hull points" and all the upgrades which can be damaged (some common
sense may be needed here, unless you want to allow them all to be damaged).
Then divide the number of hull points by the number of "pieces of
equipment" (options), let's name this number X.
Now mark every X-th number in the hull track (eg. with a dot, asterisk or a circle).
Each time such a field is marked off (damaged) one random upgrade is damaged too -
in addition to hull.
This represents the fact that hull contains all the improvements and damage to hull
gradually damages the equipment. The last piece of equipment would be damaged
just before the ship gets destroyed.
Of course, it can still be perfected, as I suppose that some systems shouldn't be destroyed (armor plating, for exaple, but I'm not so sure), or that some other can't be destroyed as a whole (you could lose one fighter bay ie a flight, but not all of them.
Does someone use a similar optional rule?