Eff MoKal class Mark I Transport. All systems are TL +4.
Cargo Can (CR 0)
Hull (1, 3, 5): 5 4 3* 2 1.
Engines (1, 2); ---.
Shields (3, 4): ---.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment: Cargo (750); Clamps: Size 5 (12); Critical Hit Save (5+); Damage Control (2 dice).
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 0, Maintenance: 5/6, Defensive Value: 3, Anti-Ship: 0, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 4, Command Cost: 2.
Mark VII Cargo Pod (CR 0)
Hull (1, 3, 5): 23 22 21 20 19* 18 17 16 15 14* 13 12 11 10 9* 8 7 6 5 4* 3 2 1.
Engines (1, 2): ---.
Shields (3, 4): ---.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment Cargo (5250: 7 Cargo Cans); Clamps: Size 5 (84); Critical Hit Save (3+); Damage Control (4 dice).
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 5, Maintenance: 14/3 ~ 5, Defensive Value: 12, Anti-Ship: 0, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 9, Command Cost: 4.
Loaded MoKal class Mark I Transport (127 CR)
Hull (1, 3, 5): 29(9) 28 27 26 25(8) 24* 23 22(7) 21 20 19(6) 18* 17 16(5) 15 14 13 12(4)* 11 10 9(3) 8 7 6(2)* 5 4 3(1) 2 1.
Engines (1, 2): 3(22) 3 3 3(20) 3 3 3(18) 3 3 3 2(15) 2 2(13) 2 2 2 2(10) 2 2 2(8) 1 1 1 1(5) 1 1 1(3) 1 1.
Shields (3, 4): 6(14) 6 6 6(13) 6 5 5 5(11) 5 5(10) 4 4 4 4(8) 4 3(7) 3 3 3 3(5) 2 2(4) 2 2 2 1(2) 1 1 1.
Facets: F: 1, FP: 1, FS: 1, AP: 1, AS: 1, A: 1.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment; Cargo (5250: 1 Mark VII Cargo Pod); Clamps: Size 9 (4); Critical hit save (2+); Damage Control (5 dice); Engine Governors (5); Fixed Shield Emitters (6 Faceted Shields); Marines (1); Passengers (10); Shuttles (3: 24 Capacity; Launch: 5, Recover: 3); Teleports (1); Warp Drive.
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 15, Maintenance: 37/6 ~ 7, Defensive Value: 22, Anti-Ship: 1, Anti-fighter: 0, Command Rating: 10, Command Cost: 4, Basing: 3: Carrier; Supply (5); Warp Drive.
If corrected for excessive Hull Size, the Combat rating will be reduced to 106 CR.
Unloaded MoKal class Mark I Transport (77 CR)
Hull (1, 3, 5): 9 8 7* 6 5 4* 3 2 1.
Engines (1, 2): 22 20 18 15 13 10 8 5 3.
Shields (3, 4): 14 13 11 10 8 7 5 4 2.
Facets: F: 1, FP: 1, FS: 1, AP: 1, AS: 1, A:1.
Weapons (5, 6); 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment: Clamps: Size 9 (4); Critical Hit Save (4+); Damage Control (3 dice); Engine Governors (5); Fixed Shield Emitters (6 Faceted Shields); Marines (1); Passengers (10); Shuttles (3: 24 Capacity; Launch: 3, Recover: 2); Teleports (1); Warp Drive. This ship has 14 extra Space Units to use for auxilliary systems.
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 8, Maintenance: 2, Defensive Value: 6, Anti-Ship: 1, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 6, Command Cost: 3, Basing: 3; Carrier; Warp Drive.
Eff MoKal class Mark II Transport. all systems are TL +4.
Mark XV Cargo Pod (0 CR)
Hull (1,3, 5): 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33* 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24* 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14* 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5* 4 3 2 1.
Engines (1, 2): ---.
Shields (3, 4): ---.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment: Cargo (11,250: 15 Cargo Cans); Clamps: Size 41 (4) and Size 5 (180); Critical Hit Save (2+); Damage Control (6 dice).
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 11, Maintenance: 26/3 ~ 9, Defensive Value: 22, Anti-Ship: 0, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 12, Command Cost: 5; Supply (11).
Loaded MoKal class Mark II Transport (188 CR).
Hull (1, 3, 5): 60(28) 59 58 57(27) 56 55(26) 54 53(25) 52 51(24) 50 49(23)* 48 47(22) 46 45(21) 44 43 42(20) 41 40(19) 39 38(18) 37* 36(17) 35 34(16) 33 32(15) 31 30(14) 29 28 27(13) 26 25(12)* 24 23(11) 22 21(10) 20 19(9) 18 17(8) 16 15(7) 14 13* 12(6) 11 10(5) 9 8(4) 7 6(3) 5 4(2) 3 2(1) 1.
Engines (1, 2): 4(15) 4 4 4 4(14) 4 4 4 4(13) 4 4 4 4(12) 4 4 3 3(11) 3 3 3 3(10) 3 3 3 3(9) 3 3 3 3(8) 3 2 2 2(7) 2 2 2 2(6) 2 2 2 2(5) 2 2 2 2(4) 1 1 1 1(3) 1 1 1 1(2) 1 1 1 1(1) 1 1 1.
Shields (3, 4): 9(16) 9 9 9 9(15) 9 9 8 8(14) 8 8 8 8(13) 8 7 7(12) 7 7 7 7(11) 6 6 6 6(10) 6 6 6 5(9) 5 5 5(8) 5 5 5 4(7) 4 4 4 4(6) 4 3 3 3(5) 3 3 3(4) 3 3 2 2(3) 2 2 2 2(2) 1 1 1 1(1) 1 1.
Facets: F: 1, FP: 2, FS: 2, AP: 1, AS: 1, A: 2.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---. 6: ---.
Special Equipment: Cargo (11, 250: 1 Mark XV Cargo Pod); Clamps: Size 28 (4); Critical Hit Save (2+); Damage Control (7 dice); Engine Governors (6); Fixed Shield Emitters (9 Shield Facets); Marines (1); Passengers (10); Shuttles (4: 32 Capacity; Launch: 5, Recover: 3);Teleports (1); Warp Drive.
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 24, Maintenance: 12, Defensive Value: 33, Anti-Ship: 1, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 15, Command Cost: 6, Basing: 4; Carrier; Supply (11); Warp Drive.
For those who would penalize this for excessive Hull Size, the Combat Rating should be reduced to 125 CR, the VBAM Cost should be reduced to 23, and theVBAM Defensive Value should be reduced to 32.
Unloaded MoKal class Mark II Transport (128 CR).
Hull (1, 3, 5): 28 27 26 25 24 23* 22 21 20 19 18 17* 16 15 14 13 12 11* 10 9 8 7 6 5* 4 3 2 1.
Engines (1, 2): 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1.
Shields (3, 4): 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1.
Facets: F: 1, FP: 2, FS: 2, AP: 1, AS: 1, A: 2.
Weapons (5, 6): 1: ---, 2: ---, 3: ---, 4: ---, 5: ---, 6: ---.
Special Equipment: Clamps: Size 28 (4); Critical Hit save (2+); Damage Control(5 dice); Engine Governors (6); Fixed Shield Emitters (9 Shield Facets); Marines (1); Passengers (10); Shuttles (4: 32 Capacity; Launch: 5, Recover: 3); Teleports (1); Warp Drive. This ship has 164 extra Space Units to use for auxilliary systems.
VBAM Statistics:
Cost: 10, Maintenance: 31/6 ~ 6, Defensive Value: 16, Anti-Ship: 1, Anti-Fighter: 0, Command Rating: 10, Command Cost: 4, Basing: 4; Carrier; Warp Drive.</r>