Topic: Some House Rules

Indirect Fire can be slow and annoying. Some people, given time, can memorise every range from every edge and painstakingly calculate an exact impact point. Other people, for example, people hosting, or with children, or just intolerant of boredom, can't.

House Rule: Choose your P.O.I and scatter D3 inches. Then scatter as normal from there.

Mecha need more guns. Everyone knows mecha need more guns. If the tanks don't like it they can go cry. Go cry, emo tank. EDIT: Anime Mecha don't need more guns.

House rule: Mecha get three weapons slots. I wouldn't balk at four, if anyone felt the need. I'm also quite happy for APCs to get 3. This is basically just so I have less hassles with conversions and di.....thering about with combi-weapons.

Finally, I think the reactive evasion and firebase rules from the Ultra Realistic rules might be quite fun. Oh, and Trenches. Some Trench terrain would be cool.


Here's a lot of junk on Cover:

Personally I think cover doesn't quite work how I want it to. I don't have a Law to Lay Down yet, but I was considering the following:

House Rule: If there's something pretty obviously blocking Line of Sight between a figure and the POI, the figure is immune to the blast. This would mean any impassible terrain, terrain that completely hides the figure from the blast, and things like concrete floors overhead. Maybe this would only apply to IF??

I have some fairly nice terrain pieces (tabletop quality, but nice) and just defining the whole thing as "impassible" seems dull.

House Rule: Not sure. Any ideas? Defining cover on-the-fly on a "makes sense" basis for larger or more elaborate pieces? Working up a better way of dealing with multi-level and multi-storey terrain, especially WRT IF?

Also, the city layout has lots of corners and walls. It looks great but it doesn't play out as all it could be. I think rules for corner cover are what's lacking - either that or open interiors. This invites the use of the "Ultra Realistic" corner displacement rule, maybe?

Re: Some House Rules

Having played Defiance one too many times with a carpenter who was accurate to the half inch, I am prone to agree about the scatter idea.  Maybe d5-1 to allow for a small chance that you'll still hit exactly where you guessed.

Consider it an official house rule. :-)

And yes, give mecha as many guns as you want, it won't break the point system.

As a spoiler alert, the CQB rules will do a lot more with AOE weapons and building cover.  For now, just know that D:VG is best at depicting outdoor battles with mostly brush and tree cover.

Re: Some House Rules

So what I'm thinking of going with is this: place a marker for your IF impact point, then roll D5-1 scatter. That means a 1/5 chance of a perfect hit, then scatter of 1,2,3 or 4 inches, with an average scatter of 2 inches, which comes into the equation here:

One way of treating a miss would be to scatter D5-1 then D5, but there's a reasonable chance the second scatter will make the first less severe. So, we make the "miss" scatter D5+2 and D10+2 respectively. Maybe +1 would suffice?  That would make a minimum scatter of 2 inches.

Re: Some House Rules

I've found that I prefer the Ultimate Warzone version of "no scatter, but worse change to damage on a miss" for a ranged AOE mechanic. It's much more difficult to retrofit than a scatter system of course.

Re: Some House Rules

Well, everything in Defiance works on probability of scoring a kill, given whatever underlying assumptions Demian was working with. So in that respect, half the chance to kill is half the chance to kill. Now all we need to do is hack the entire system and voila! Warzone!

Re: Some House Rules

Well, one test run showed the D5-1 scatter to be pretty much comparable to my own moderately accurate guesswork. Houserule success!

I played on the woodland table rather than the cityscape, so terrain rules were not a problem.

Re: Some House Rules

Just to add to the discussion. There appears to be a loophole (assuming I'm interpretation correctly)if you will with Indirect fire vs direct fire AOE weapons.

Situation assume a vehicle equipped with IF AOE weapon has LOS to a unit more than 15" away of SI in medium terrain, Assuming the vehicle doesn't need to move

Firing as LOS AOE weapon:
To hit roll modified: -3 Terrain, Stationary +2

Firing as IF Weapon
To hit roll: select coordinate or as above , Stationary +2

Why wouldn't the player in control of the vehicle always IF, they basically get to ignoring the fact the SI is hunkered in medium terrain, the advantage becomes even better if the opposing army has terrain mastery or is in heavy terrain.

I do note on the scatter chart that it says " ..will therefor land at the highest point above it's determined POI", does that mean it's assumed at the top of the tree tops which could be taken as landing at level 1 or  even half level 1 6-12inchs above and hence would never do any damage to troops in forest for example?


Re: Some House Rules

I think the high point is for floors, roofs, overhangs, rather than leaves.

There's no +2 for stationary if you IF.

There's always a BIT of scatter when you IF.

But yes, IF rocks and is terrifying. You didn't face Steave's Artillery Combi Weapon of Doom, either!

Re: Some House Rules

The more I read them, The more I think the AOE and IF rules are to powerful.

Using the stock rules the POI can normally be nailed to with <1inch of were you want on your 2nd shot, as you've just measured out the location of your first shot. This becomes worse if you have 2 units IF'ing and it becomes worse again if you have say 2 mob units of 20 infantry IF'ing as a fire cluster on a base 4" template....

Using your rule above Sam should help, however my poor themed SI army with terrain mastery is in no way ever going to be competitive with a stock spread army of SI/PI. I have to hop from Terrain piece to terrain piece and then get blasted by IF fire which gets to ignore Terrain Mastery and Cover... 

I have no clue why blast templates aren't affected by terrain or slightly nullified by it, next time we play (Assuming I can get someone to) I'm  going to try affecting blast radius of AOE in terrain by the same modifier as movement light 3/4, med 1/2, and heavy 1/4. To represent bits of Shrapnel etc getting blocked by the terrain (Smoke/Radiological/Poison gas types will be unaffected by this rule).

Guess I could just be cheap and use the above tactic myself but then the game will degenerate into an IF fest and he/she who draws initiative first with one of their IF units wins...not exactly my idea of fun... :cry:

Re: Some House Rules

I think the quickest solution is to play without IF in a match-up with your themed armies. I'd be perfectly happy to, and I think this was how our last fight on the city table worked out?

I can't really say if I think IF is outright overpowered in a straight-out competitive fight where the armies are EITHER less tightly bound OR keep to a semi-modern or realist theme.

I have a few suggestions, though, either tactics or tricks:

Artillery jammers cause extra scatter, and vehicles can carry Point Defence weapons. After Blast can enhance your laser rifles etc. to aid in shredding IF lobbing squads, whilst maintaining some degree of thematic purity. PD works against IF and DF AOE.

Of course, heavier armour has to help.

Be fanatical about spreading your troops out (this can be a real problem if you have lots of cheap troops).

A cheap APC renders the squad within totally immune to to AOE, and gives you more room to spread your other troops out.

Consider the "Reserves" advantage, it can get you places and keeps a squad out of the maelstrom.

Consider weapons and troops for the role of highly maneuverable, independent sniper, for eliminating high-value targets and, being just one figure, big AOE templates are totally wasted on them. Phase weaponry lets you ignore terrain depth and blocking terrain that might otherwise shelter IF lobbing troops. Elite squads can act like 10 independent snipers and they ignore unit perimeter so they can spread out regardless of other squads.

Re: Some House Rules

Still a little hard for me to say if they are fully overpowered but I do know you'd be a mug to not take the max amount of IF AOE weapons in fielded army, they provide a definite above avg hitting power for points spent and on SI no matter the advantages taken are brutal.

This again might be the point as it does provide PI with a distinct tactical and point advantage over SI. However I've always run under the impression an army of lower tech militia guys would stand an even chance of defeating a higher tech all robotic race type army due to the pointing system used. I'm starting to see this as less and less the case which is maybe the way it's meant to be.   

Adding aug can help but then I'm left also adding more points per unit fielded until in the end I start to question is my SI +2 infantry with a pile of Aug's really as effective as PI 0 AR unit with no aug and yet the point costs equilise to the same (or so close the 20-30 points less per unit is lost in an overall army)? Admittedly I'd have to do full on statistical analysis to work this out but on the face of it I'd have to think not. Raw armour power especially @ 0 is very effective and provides a visible tactical advantage.

Maybe it's not a problem with IF maybe the pointing system is overall is to tight ie not enough difference between SI/PI and vehicle stuff such that when you look at 1000 point field 50-60 point advantage is really lost due to the in ability to field anything in that 50-60 points.

Are APC's immune to AOE? I thought if they were caught in the blast radius the opponent would still roll a roll at -5 penalty, requiring an APC to have -3 AR to really totally avoid the potential for cluster fire just lucking it to death due to volume of d10's rolled. If this isn't the case and all vehicles get to ignore AOE, APC's will become mandatory for me.

Don't get me wrong I still like the rules especially moral/initative, It would just be nice to get some feedback from the designer on what the thinking was. I hate tinkering with rule sets as you can then unbalance something else causing even bigger problems.

I did have a quick game against Carb were the IF rules really fell apart, basically the only reason my troops didn't die 6 times over was that we played at 15mm movement so they were effectively very very spaced out. However if it'd been at normal movement I'd lost both units by the 2nd turn and 1 vehicle for his lose of zero of his units(My guys were all hiding inside medium terrain). This against the clone army who don't even exploit the IF rule, but just have a little IF as flavor.

Re: Some House Rules

Yeah an APC could get plinked to death but that would require quite a few 10s using 5+ hits. Big AOEs with 5+ are going to be 50 points or more each. To get ten goes at a kill on 10+ requires 500 points or more. Not very economical. PDS to counter such plinking is only 5 points per damage capacity, or say 15-25 points. An infantry artillery jammer is only 25 points per squad. In any case a decent IF weapon costs way more than the counter-measures.

I suggest trying the game at 2500 points. The "competitive battles" rules suggest 2000-4000 points and no less than 1000, but at 1000 it's possible to get royally screwed by a single volley or weird weapons miss-match.

I would absolutely have APCs as a must-have for an army with lots of light infantry.

My opinion is that the game punishes you very harshly if you don't work to cover your weaknesses and exploit your advantages. If you're heavily biased toward SI you need to grab anything that will reduce your casualties from artillery.

Re: Some House Rules

I managed to build a nasty 1 shot braced rocket launcher which had a nasty range plus IF on 4" +5 which cost 9 points...I was trying to exploit the rules this gave max versatility load up with 1-unlimted number of shots through sidearm purchasing providing the troops carrying it with a massive intimidation factor after the first game. ie opponent wont know if there a 1 shot wonder or be raining death on them for 6 turns and hence potentially over commitment resources to remove them from the game. I was trying hard to abuse the rules.

I'll have to give it a shot, I'll see if I can talk Carb or someone else into another game, need to get a "real" table top built up so we can use proper 28mm movement. 

Yes I was hoping Terrain mastery and smoke would help negate the AOE effect which they do quiet well when the AOE weapon is used in LOS fire mode. Just when you fire it IF mode both those advantages are totally negated and terrain is negated leaving you effectively sitting in the open. Greater than 15" away if the targets in cover you'd never fire out of IF mode...unless of course it is meant to be exploding on tree tops (p42 the italics text in the little box at the end of the first column, which would help unless it was cluster fire hmm). Just seems overally harsh to have all those things negated by 1 fairly standard fire mode.

I'd be better of re-tooling the army, to remove the SR/TR spent on terrain mastery and sink it into  more adhoc % or more vehicle % or even a different tac advantage.
This would be a shame as then I can't really see the use of the terrain mastery tactical advantage it costs 3 TR to buy 15% of your standard 20 points and the advantage can be negated by simply firing in IF mode? None of the other tac advantages are as easy to defeat, as per other thread reservists are practically unstoppable and cost 1/3 the TR points :?: 

((it's starting to look like we are monopolizing this board smile ))

Re: Some House Rules

You don't have to let your opponent know what Augmentations you're using, but he is entitled to check out your weapons, etc., so he'd know - if he thought of it - whether that weapon was going to rain death. IMO you should continue to try hard to abuse the rules. Defiance has a lot of scope for entertaining weapons.

Re: Some House Rules

Do you have to reveal how many copies of said firearm your infantry are carrying?

I haven't looked them over to closely but phase weapons are another area I want to poke around in, I think plenty of scope there for interest although I'll avoid phasing bracing expanded weapons...

Re: Some House Rules

Two-part combo phasing bracing expansive weapons with one 60" and one 30" flat range brackets, IIRC.