Topic: Make a Defiance Army

Here it is, the first unofficial and totally unapproved Defiance contest.

Make an army. 8)

It's that simple. Make an army list- one that you can field right now, with miniatures you own. Submit it in reply to this thread. Maybe we'll do something with a poll after that, and grant bragging rights to the winner on whatever grounds we so choose.

SUBMIT! Bonus points awarded in descending order from first posted to last posted!

Re: Make a Defiance Army

I am mighty and you are all slightly less so. Soon I will have two or more armies posted, garnering glory and adulation for myself, and reaping a harvest of scorn for those who lack the temerity to challenge me.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

I've had my Brotherhood force* posted for ages, so technically I'm your daddy tongue

That said, I've been working up a mini force list for Cobalt-1 Ar-Men which may be ready in a couple of weeks, real life issues permiting. With a new work place (as opposed to a new job), moving house a couple of times, prepping to buy a house and having no ISP available at moment, I've been sort of swamped with those.

*) Even if it doesn't count for the competition because it was published before the competition started.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Linky linky?

I have been waylaid by real life, leaving me with two lists almost done. It'll be at least a week and a half before i get some quiet time to finish them off *sigh*

Fine, fine. "TNJRP is meh daddeh!"  :roll:

Re: Make a Defiance Army

smokingwreckage wrote:

Linky linky?

Here you are.

Fine, fine. "TNJRP is meh daddeh!"

And ya better remember it! :wink:

Re: Make a Defiance Army

tnjrp wrote:

Here you are.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Here's another very small and limited one I whipped up specificly for a thread on The Miniatures Page -- Spugs. It's not a full force really and I can't actually play with it, so it doesn't qualify for the "contest" but is too insignificant to merit another thread, so here it is anyway:

(The Spugs as insectile humanoid miniatures by Spriggan Miniatures)

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Now that's cool!  I've been eying those Suggy guys for a while now.  I wonder if there wuld be trademark/copyright issues if we posted these on the MJ12 website?

Re: Make a Defiance Army

These issues are notoriously hairy, I believe. While I'm not familiar with copyright laws, especially not those of USA, I'm almost 100% certain that in EU it would be breaking all sorts of copyrights and whathaveyou. In any case, I think it's best to ask for a permission.

Caveat: I sort of got the impression from the Spriggan site that they go hand and glove with whoever it is who's making Chain Reaction. So they might object. And might call for MJ12 to remove the above link while they are at it, should they want to be really officious.

However. If Spriggan gives you OK to post the above "in the name of MJ12", I'd suggest you also contact Pig Iron and the company making the Hydrissians. Both enjoy positive grassroots buzz, so it might be good to have a list for those as well ([size=75]in fact, I have a torso for the latter on hand...[/size]). And you could recycle the "pretty please" e-mail :wink:

Re: Make a Defiance Army

As far as I know there is never any problem with posting stats for your own game. 

Using a copyrighted name may be a problem, but most miniature companies are more than willing to have you create your own stats for their figures, so long as you buy their figures. smile

Re: Make a Defiance Army

We can always just change the name to "Spegs", I suppose.

I'm currently working on a not-Halo conversion right now...

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Not too fond of the "spug" in the first place (to quote Andy Chambers: "but... that's SILLY"). How about "myrmedons", it's a little less silly?

Re: Make a Defiance Army

This is the 1st conversion list from a planned (by yours truly) series of conversion lists from Cobalt-1 game created by the sculptor Bob Naismith. As can be expected, there are some nice minis available for the game, but unfortunately the rules aren't all that good. To tell the truth, they are on the poor side. Once again, it's good to have Defiance, so you can use the miniatures under a worthy set of rules.

The list is build around the canine humanoids, Ar-Men, from Cobalt-1 range, but incorporates some of the other similarly inclined ranges out there as well (primarily Rifts Coalition Dog Packs and some of the less silly Critter Commandos Dogs stuff -- suitably converted of course). Inventive player may find slots for other doggy type miniatures, should he have any (I don't, except for some Rackham werewolves, but they don't fit into this list I'm afraid). Some pretty generic vehicles were added for variety, so in that regard almost anything goes in a pinch.

The list itself has basically been ready for a while (see above), but once again I got hung up on writing the fluff. Finally, I thought "to heck with fluff, just give 'em the good hard numbers and do the fluff later". So... Here it is, sans any fluff.

Apart from fluff for Ar-Men (I may or may not change the name to make the list less copyright-infringing), I also plan to make a list for the Palansi & Abhor (they aren't on the same side in the original, but the Palansi need allies and the Aruk don't fit the bill IMHO -- obviously mr. Naismith disagrees :wink:) and the Ygrainne.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Made an update to the Spugs list (see my post above, and note that the file is now a PDF) to include the up-and-coming jump pack Spug models. Also made the name change to Myrmedon while I was at it.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Well, I now have 90% complete UNE, 80% complete Infranites, 60% complete Kryomek, 60% complete Machines. I can't quite field a UNE force that works to my satisfaction with the minis I have, which is really tickin' me off.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Got a suggestion a while back to do some Inifinity the Game conversions...

Here's the first one of them, the Ariadna conversion. A's not really the most characteristic force in the game, but it's the smallest of the lists with any minis available, so I decided to start there anyway.

Oh, and this is not a "contest entry". Don't have any Ariadna minis and am not looking into getting any either.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Due to additions and revisions CB made to the force lists last Wednesday, I've updated the Ariadna conversion (see post above) once again. Also, some further errors corrected.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Was someone making a Pig Iron list?

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Is. And yes, I happen to know this for a fact wink

Re: Make a Defiance Army

The Cobalt-1 to Defiance Ar-Men conversion list is now back up on the 'net:

Now with added fluff(y)! tongue

Tomorrow, the Ariadna list... Maybe...

Re: Make a Defiance Army

What you know, it's tomorrow already :wink:

Anyway, the Ariadna list:

Bonus: two new frame types and added fluff, compared to the previous outing that is.

A couple of weeks, or months, and I should have the Infinity PanOceania ready. That, and AT-43 White Stars and/or Therians...

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Managed to complete the long-languishing PanOceania conversion from Infinity the Game:

Also, made some slight amendments to the Aridna list, see previous post (done because I belatedly decided every frame needs at least one standard weapon option that doesn't come with an A effector).

Re: Make a Defiance Army

Added Yu Jing, again from Infinity the Game (isn't all that different from PanOceania really, as far as the troops and weapons are concerned; this is a feature of the original as well BTW):

Also, some corrections to the Ariadna and PanOceania files. Mostly minor, but PanOc at least was missing something like two weapon frames etc.

Re: Make a Defiance Army

These look great, tnjrp!


Re: Make a Defiance Army

Found this the Alpha Forge Hydrissians -based list languishing on my hard drive and decided to finish it:

Not many "official endorsement" possibilities there either, as Alpha Forge do their own game. Although IIRC they have given their approval to convert the Hydrissians into another open game system...