This is the 1st conversion list from a planned (by yours truly) series of conversion lists from Cobalt-1 game created by the sculptor Bob Naismith. As can be expected, there are some nice minis available for the game, but unfortunately the rules aren't all that good. To tell the truth, they are on the poor side. Once again, it's good to have Defiance, so you can use the miniatures under a worthy set of rules.
The list is build around the canine humanoids, Ar-Men, from Cobalt-1 range, but incorporates some of the other similarly inclined ranges out there as well (primarily Rifts Coalition Dog Packs and some of the less silly Critter Commandos Dogs stuff -- suitably converted of course). Inventive player may find slots for other doggy type miniatures, should he have any (I don't, except for some Rackham werewolves, but they don't fit into this list I'm afraid). Some pretty generic vehicles were added for variety, so in that regard almost anything goes in a pinch.
The list itself has basically been ready for a while (see above), but once again I got hung up on writing the fluff. Finally, I thought "to heck with fluff, just give 'em the good hard numbers and do the fluff later". So... Here it is, sans any fluff.
Apart from fluff for Ar-Men (I may or may not change the name to make the list less copyright-infringing), I also plan to make a list for the Palansi & Abhor (they aren't on the same side in the original, but the Palansi need allies and the Aruk don't fit the bill IMHO -- obviously mr. Naismith disagrees :wink:) and the Ygrainne.