Topic: We have begun using Expendable weapons...
It has finally happened here in Jacksonville with my gaming buddies:
Ships are being designed with Expendable Weapons.
One of my friends used two 200 points ships that were armed with only one of these weapons:
Arc=FF7, Range=18, weapon traits=(Acr/Dx2,Cts,Exp,Fcs,Tls). These two c200 point ships easily destroyed two of my c500 point DNs. I calculate that this weapon will do an average of 105 points at long range.
Needless to say, the other side easily won the battle, because the side with expendables has a tremendous advantage; they're brutal. I personally think that Expendables are under-pointed, but if my friends want to use them, I will have no choice but to install them on my ships. The next game that we play will be very bloody and innitiative will much more important. I will post an updated version of my Four-turreted DN with expendable weapons added later.