Although I'm buried in law school, I thought I'd rekindle this to say I'd be very interested.
I also think that certain ship traits, like the Leadership trait from Fleet Ops, could be reintegrated into the game at a fleet level. That is to say, have "leadership" packages that can be applied to any ship (since Leadership likely wouldn't have an SU requirement). It might also impact the fleet level for fleet coordination, although that's as far as my imagination can manage in the spaces between segments of oil and gas law.
Finding campaign-level uses for Auxiliary Services would also be good. Cargo becomes more important when you are defending actual in-game trade routes, Repair and Hospital can offset ship damage between port stops, etc. You might even have a system for ship capture - if a ship is brought down without taking out its entire hull (that is, by Marines or crew killers), that ship becomes property of whomever won the battle.