Topic: Advanced Torp Rules

Hey all,

With all indications that Awakened Giant is the next supplement, I was contemplating some more elaborate torpedo rules.  While I really like the difference in damage resolution for torps, I think the timing of the torpedo attack feels a little generic (its just resolved at the same time as guns), and doesn't give the feel of a slow moving weapon.

What if torps didn't hit right away, but hit in the next turn?  This would make it feel like it took some time for them to get there - plus then ships would have the opportunity to take "evasive action" to reduce the chance that torps hit (at the expense of their own offensive power).


Other things I'm thinking:
-Perhaps if torps are fired at really close range - they hit the same turn, like now.
-Does there need to be a separate torp phase after movement?
-Should torps still launch when guns fired or at a different time?


Re: Advanced Torp Rules

I think this could work pretty well. However, I'm not sure I would add a separate torpedo "phase" -- I would do this:

When a torpedo is launched, announce the target and place a marker at the firing ship's location. However, do not resolve the attack until after the target has completed its activation in the Movement Phase of the next game turn.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Advanced Torp Rules

Ya, I like it, overall it gives just enough feel, without being overly complicated (and let me tell you, there are games where this gets a bit crazy).

I was thinking for a moment that this makes torps slightly less "powerful", as with a high initiative, you can no longer eliminate a threat before its had time to fire.  However it does have the ability to "scare" your opponent into using "Evasive Action", which could be good for you for a whole host of reasons.

BTW, will my favourite torp curiser the Kuma Class "Oi", be making an appearance in Awakened Giant?


Re: Advanced Torp Rules

Marauder wrote:

BTW, will my favourite torp curiser the Kuma Class "Oi", be making an appearance in Awakened Giant?

We'll see... big_smile

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games