Topic: Confirmation required
[B]This is a question/confirmation regarding the interaction of three rules during the shipbuilding process: AEGIS Fire Control, the Defensive trait and 'Post-Defensive' traits[/B]
A few weeks ago I realised that my Shipbuilder didn't take into account the (what I term) Post-Defensive traits when calculating the additional SU and ORAT for AEGIS Fire Control. Those traits are 'Accurate', all 'Slow' and all 'Expendable' traits.
I've added support for this into the latest edition of my Shipbuilder (namely, applying the modifiers to the Defensive SU calculation) but I just thought I'd make sure that I'm correct in assuming my previous Shipbuilder is incorrect in that regard. This hasn't been an issue before because I decided not to explore that particular interaction but, when working on a SUE style version of 'Eternal Quest', I realised that for an AF Missile Rack, I'd need both Defensive and Expendable/Accurate.