or, better yet, during the previous end-phase, you turn on smoke laying
That will work well within the confines of a starmada game
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or, better yet, during the previous end-phase, you turn on smoke laying
That will work well within the confines of a starmada game
Well, that would make more sense then.
I like the "action" idea, though, how that gets in starmada, I have no clue
No reason to "keep" anyone doing their job, is there, if you design a ship with smoke screen then isn't it going to make sense to use that ship to screen?
I dunno, I'd hate to be forced to have smoke screens when I didn't want them.
Light cruisers & Destroyers may lay smoke.
Why can't it be a special?
I have a map of the baltic from Skageraak to St Petersburg that's at I think 1/2" hexes and 10 miles/hex. It was a project for someone that we eventually printed onto gigantic paper and laminated, I have a pic of it somewhere that show the size of it at 3'x5'
Also the North Sea at 10mile/hex and something called adam's bridge at 5mi/hex
They were for stuff like this
if you want an old Taboo topic, let's start talking about banked weapons (tee hee, <duck>)
The biggest thing that makes 4e not D&D...is that like a wargame, there is a rule for damn near everything. Old timers like me prefer more of an open ended, use your brain not the rulebook, approach...
the funny thing is that, those same oldtimers that want open ended, flexible rules systems for RPGs also want those closed, rule-for-everything wargames.
curse the machinery of fascist Beuracracy
thedugan wrote:jimbeau wrote:then you're a redneck (or a 14 year old boy)
then you might be a red neck...
Off the top of my head, I can come up with seventeen different reasons why this line of discussion should be ended immediately.
You just don't understand rednecks my friend
I think if you've ever said "Pour more lighter fluid on it, it'll be Awesome Dude!!!!" then you're a redneck (or a 14 year old boy)
note that I never said rednecks were "dumb"
Plenty of smart rednecks out there.
That particular decision, more than any other, was responsible for Starmada's current form.
And for that, I thank you.
"Thank you"
That would be very cool to see. And to watch as the fleets change doctrine to accommodate the differences and sacrifices all have to make.
Go for it man!
Be friendly, fellows.
In the couple of campaigns I've played economics made all the difference, that and fighters.
Aren't most hugemongously large ships a political move anyway?
I'll tell you this. I'd rather have 10x300 pt ships on the board than one 3000 point ship by far in a campaign.
honestly, the one tourney I ran at a convention was a flop.
Mostly because there weren't enough experienced players with their own fleets to make it a true tournament. Noobs + Experience mans one übergeek wins and the other people go away unhappy.
My goal at the con is to bring out a balanced force with enough diversity in options that gives a good overview of the game (yep, I have thought about it that much) but doesn't obviously lean toward one side)
I advertise the games I run as tournaments because I want people to know it's a possibility, but the most I've had in a game is 12 (remember that Dan?) I turn them away if I am the only one running the game, if there's two of us, I can handle up to two boards of 6, but I've never tried more.
Any way, I dread the time when someone comes to a Starmada game with a fleet pre-built and I have to say "Sorry you can't use this option... blah blah blah"
I just played a few games of AE at Origins and I can tell you that I DID build the fleets based on such a pyramid structure, but I did not set out to do it. I basically wanted veryone to have about 1000 points of ships and had potentially 6 players (3 to a side). (escept for the imperials which seem to have been a little more random... hmm)
The points system just "lent" itself to that kind of structure as I put a cruiser here, a battle ship there and filled in with smaller ships.
That was actually pretty cool.
Here's the fleets I ran with
Fleet Ship Name Mission CR
1 Imperial Starmada Belligerent Light Cruiser 209
1 Imperial Starmada Concordant Carrier 816
2 Imperial Starmada Furious Destroyer 108
3 Imperial Starmada Indomitable Battleship 411
1 Imperial Starmada Majestic Battle Cruiser 329
1 Arcturan Federation Daitenshi Battle Carrier 996
1 Arcturan Federation Dokujin Frigate 115
1 Arcturan Federation Hayabusa Destroyer 125
2 Arcturan Federation Izangi Missile Cruiser 452
1 Arcturan Federation Kyouwa Cruiser 226
1 Arcturan Federation Raikou Battleship 555
1 Arcturan Federation Tetsukabe Heavy Cruiser 345
1 Negali Asrydan Carrier 760
3 Negali Baksudu Escort 85
1 Negali Hakuncji Battleship 490
2 Negali N'Eyhun Destroyer 191
2 Negali Svirse Cruiser 337
2 Negali Tabercji Cruiser 344
1 Kalaedinese Cekalyo Cruiser 244
1 Kalaedinese Jestilki Carrier 712
2 Kalaedinese Neltikka Destroyer 90
3 Kalaedinese Pedaeranor Battleship 634
1 Kalaedinese Takulyo Destroyer 152
there's no cost for tech levels. The cost increase is because more "Stuff" can be packed on a ship.
However, you could decrease the bonus for stuff-packing.
I am not very excited about strange and complicated surcharges for extra-long-range weaponry. either the math is correct or it isn't those arbitrary numbers just don't feel right...
I reserve the right to change my mind often and without reason.
currently we have several rules
1) if the firework doesn't go off look straight into it, shake it vigorously and yell "what the hell I spent 12 bucks on that piece of crap"
2) lighter fluid will make even the most boring firework more fun
3) gas is even better
4) never point the fireworks at people unless it'll be really funny
last but not least,
5) drink heavily starting at 9am. fireworks are more Awesome Dude when your bombed out of your skull
an RSA for all our friends (redneck service announcement).
wasn't Dan looking for some old, old version of starmada somewhere??
I wish I understood Vassal.
It seems very complicated.
how about better graphics?
Updates for AE edition?
Curses, the one year I don't go to DieCon
mj12games.com/forum → Posts by jimbeau
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