(33 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

I gotta ask--why a higher Carrier value for the Sharlin (which I believe carried 12 Nials and a couple of Flyers) as opposed to the Omega (which carried 24 Starfury's)? Is it b/c the Nials are better (and thus each fighter flight represents 3 Nials)?

And why is the SPB superior to the Fusion Cannon?


(15 replies, posted in News)

Yay, got mine. Came in yesterday...:)


(6 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

Well, I'd be likely to do that myself for my normal fleets, so...:D

Well, AFBs give some measure of protection, while the defensive/pinpoint batteries give a good chance of taking out fighters before they attack (although 4+ ACC means you're only looking at a 50% chance of taking out fighters or seekers each roll--I'd be going for 3+, maybe even 2+ for advanced powers' PD batteries)


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

Tracking would have to be starship-based, and not a weapon trait, as the results of a Stealth roll apply to all weapons on the attacking ship.

Hmm, fair enough. So it'd be something like an Advanced Tracking System...


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

Stealth is more correctly equated with Shields than with Countermeasures, IMHO.

(just throwing an idea that was spawned by this part of your post)

Well, if Stealth is more along the lines of Shields, maybe a weapon ability that reduces levels of Stealth (and maybe ECM, though I'm not too sure about that) akin to how Piercing gets a bonus to Impact rolls? Call it Tracking--each level of Tracking ignores one level of Stealth. Costing abilities similar to Piercing.


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

Now without a gonging head, I've noticed a couple of minor issues with Drydock. I had a look at the Tables sheet and discovered two 'typos':

1) the dual weapon mount modifier is listed as 1.7, when it should be 1.8 (according to the rulebook)

2) the TR arc is listed as having an arc modifier (number of arcs+1) of 7, when it should be 6.

What that means is that my King Thicko-class battleship is incorrectly pointed. Argghhh...


(10 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

Well, to me, I always considered hull 20 to be the average-sized battleship, with light cruisers being ~hull 6, heavy cruisers being 9-12 hull, 'battlecruisers' being hull 16 etc. The larger ships I design are meant to be juggernauts or homeships (like the back-converted hull 50 Holoki ships). The problem I had was that, with the SX/SAE fighters, I had to implement larger hulls to build weapons that had (in my mind) a chance of engaging fighters. Now, with the Dfn trait, I can have range 3 weapons that can act as PD batteries, so maybe I might be able to not go beyond hull 35...:)


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

While doing some preliminary ship designs for what I hoped would be the first onslaught of SUE supplements by yours truly, the ships didn't feel right, mainly because I was conflating a few different ship design ideas--one battlecarrier-style setting, one with massed seeker weapons, and one with heavy seekers that rely on saving rolls than swamping the target. It was while jotting down the different possible iterations that I had an epiphany--namely, that last setting could be a setting based on the RCN-verse of David Drake. It wouldn't be a perfect fit, but UE offers the closest possible conversion.

1) Missiles would be 1/3/2 or 1/3/3, Kinetic, Modulating (to give a truly heavy wallop that ignores shield values, and also to really pile on the modifiers to the saving roll)

2) Plasma cannons to be dual-mode. The main, defensive mode would have Defensive and Pinpoint, with the lighter cannons having an IMP of 1, while the 6" and 8" would have higher IMP values but lower ROF. The secondary mode, the offensive mode, would be short-ranged in order to model how most long-range actions are decided by missile engagements.

I'm not sure how to model the effects of sails (a true-to-the-setting conversion would reduce the arc of plasma cannons but offer screen effects against plasma cannons), but that's what this 'ere thread is for--to kick the ideas about.


(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

/door bursts open

Someone say my name? big_smile

On a serious note, I too would like to see a UE system for ammunition, because I too would love to have a system whereby you have to keep an eye on ammunition expenditures a la Honorverse (or indeed any setting where logistics plays a role). But, seeing as how there's other books in the works, as it were, I'd hesitate about doing house rules at the moment only for an official rule to address that issue much, much better.

With that in mind, however, seeing as AE did have an ammunition setting, I'd suggest looking at that to see if some workaround could be used. I won't be doing that myself because if I did, and released settings with my house rule only for official ammunition rules to be brought in, I'd have to go back and re-do those settings. And no-one wants that...right? Right?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

Yep, they're dual weapon mounts. I like the idea of multi-weapon mounts because I reckon I could use one such weapon in differing mounts to signify bigger or smaller versions of the same weapon. I've also migrated from my AE Beam Cannon (where one mode was heavy DMG and high Piercing/Ignores Shields and the second was high IMP and Increased Hits, which made it ideal for hitting flotillas and modelled a beam sweeping through space) to a UE Beam Cannon with the first mode having the 'Knt' weapon trait, signifying a massive bolt hitting all at once, and the second mode being as close to the 'sweeping' mode, with a high IMP value--imagine the Omega's beam weapon in Severed Dreams for the effect I envision with that mode.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

After advertising I really should not be allowed near a computer with a cold, here is my first design of a warship with dual-mode weapons that actually works (because I actually read through the whole of a paragraph and didn't skim over something because my cold-addled brain assumed it knew what it was saying)

Kingdom of Thickonia KING THICKO-class Battleship (597)

Hull: 16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Engines: 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1
Weapons: 14-13-11-9-7-6-4-2
Shields: 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

Beam Cannon (4-8-12) 1×3+/1/1 (Gid; Knt; Mdl)
-Secondary Mode (4-8-12) 2×2+/2/1 (Gid; Pr1)
AB2 ☐| AC2 ☐| BD2 ☐ // (2)

Cannon (3-6-9) 2×3+/1/1
ACE2 ☐☐☐| BDF2 ☐☐☐ // (3)

Defence Cannon (1-2-3) 5×2+/1/1 (Dfn; Pnp)
-Anti-Capital Mode (1-2-3) 2×3+/3/1 (Dfn; Pnp)
ABCDEF ☐☐ // (1)

Missile Launcher (MA 6) 3×3+/1/1
AB2 ☐ // (1)

Missile Launcher--Capital (MA 6) 1×3+/1/3 (Knt; Mdl; Prx)
G ☐ // (1)

Equipment: Hyperdrive ☐ // (1)

#        MOVE         [x]        NOTES
1   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
2   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
3   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
4   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
5   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
6   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
7   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
8   _______________   [ ]   ____________________
9   _______________   [ ]   ____________________


(15 replies, posted in News)

Oh, so we're not going to kick in the door? Okay, then I'll just...err...put this down and...err...go somewhere else, shall I?

/puts down 'doorknocker' and wanders sheepishly away



(63 replies, posted in Starmada)



For some reason, I thought you had to enter the greater-than sign in front of the whole weapon name, not just the secondary mode 'name'. I can only blame it on the cold, my blithely skimming over the important part of the instructions and being used to the Shipyard.


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

I did a quick test of drydock v1.0. I had two weapons, in alphabetical order, both dual-mode. On at least the first two ships, each weapon's secondary mode, even without a primary mode, had the first weapon's secondary mode. Even when switching to the second weapon, it retained the first weapon's secondary mode. It doesn't matter at the moment because I intend to do a small-scale setting with single-mode only weapons first.


(5 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

I'm always interested in Iron Stars...:)

Unfortunately, what with the newly-installed iron band around my wallet, I don't think I'd be able to get it...:(


(78 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes, 48 ships from five different universes (according to Dan...) smile


(10 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)


I remember this setting...

I'll be looking forward to the other fleets of this setting with great interest...:)


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

Yes, please re-download the current version and try again.

Also, remember the weapons list must be alphabetized to work properly.

Also also, when creating a dual-mode weapon, do NOT put a space before the ">"; e.g. "Weapon >Secondary Mode" is not valid.

I have done all that. I'll be doing it again soon, hopefully without this [deleted expletive] cold, where hopefully I'll be able to explain what it is I did.

Note: what I did is FUBAR. Never assume you know something before you actually do, kids, and more importantly, don't try to learn something when you've got a [expletive] of a cold.


(78 replies, posted in Starmada)

Got an email regarding delivery. Does this mean we'll soon be getting the physical versions, or was it simply in relation to the release of the new zip file with four sections?


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've been having a few minor problems with the drydock. Dual-Mode weapons seem to be broken for me--either the > or ! doesn't seem to work. That won't be a problem for my first setting, which I intend to be a light version, but will be for future settings (and might be for a potential revamped SNE setting). It might be because I'm used to KDL's/OldNGrey's shipyard, so I'm hoping for a Shipyard Unity Edition that will (to me) be more intuitive.

Note: This has been resolved because I actually read through Appendix Z instead of skim-reading, and also because my cold has mainly gone.


(25 replies, posted in Starmada)

For me, personally, given I like designing ships, the expanded rules for things that are not (yet) in SUE. I'd like to see flotillas and maybe basing rules for them. And bases, too. I would also like to see Imperial Starmada, mainly to see the evolution of them from Compendium through to UE.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yeah, I think I'll just have to accept I'll have several weapons on the spreadsheet in place of the one I had planned on. This cold has really knocked me for six...


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

I must admit, in one way it is a relief not to have conversion rules. Looking at the number of AE and NE conversions I'd have to do.../shudders. Especially with the first dawn of a bleedin' cold that announced itself with a throat that felt like, contrary to my belief, instead of having a nice chicken dinner, what I'd actually ingested was razors and barbed wire with an acid sauce. My first setting in UE may take a while to pan out, is what I'm saying...:)

One thing I do miss is the IncIMP and IncHits weapon abilities, mainly the latter. I think for settings with my latest weapon favorite, I'm going to house-rule and say Multi-Weapon Mounts with Fire-Linked do indeed hit with all their might, so I can simply design one 'beam cannon' and have up to four of them in a single Assault Beam Cannon. That, or move the IMP stat to the ROF stat for the 'sweeper' mode and have a number of beam cannons like in AE.


(78 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

And, while I'm here, in a Multi-Weapon Mount which has Fire-Linked, would a successful to-hit roll mean all the weapons hit?

No. You make a single roll, and the number of hits (determined by the multi-weapon mount) is multiplied by the number of mounts firing.

Okay, that makes it slightly more difficult to do my heavy beam cannon, then...:)


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

I do try to be prompt...:D

Below are tables for the space unit, engine and shield factors of all VALID hull sizes. I have not gone beyond the valid hull point break (yet) because I was doing it during commercial breaks of a TV program last night...:D

Three versions: one for A4, one for US Letter, and one sized to 13.5cmx18cm which I will be using for my Kindle.