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Meanwhile, if you're working with the PDF, opening it in firefox and then copying the URL (file location) to multiple tabs makes it much easier to work with, as you can quickly hop between your most-used reference points.
Here's a few thoughts.
PDF: would it be possible to produce a version which sacrifices Defiance's excellent aesthetic to produce a much more compact and less ink-devouring version for home printing? Perhaps even just for the troop builder and/or main rules?
Layout: The Basic Weapons Cost chart begins 22 pages away from where the Weapon Design section begins, and 20 pages away from the ammunition multipliers. I've taken to using Firefox to design weapons (yay tabs!) and it MIGHT not be an issue in hardcopy, but navigating from one to the other in Acrobat Reader is hell... I'm trying to refamiliarize myself with the design process, but am mainly wearing out my pgup/ pgdn keys...
I don't know how well it would work in reality, but it seems to me that maybe the tables should be adjacent to the text that describes their use to facilitate a step-by-step guided walkthrough for the first couple of designs. The grenade charts are right by the text regarding grenades, which almost seems less important since the procedure is so simple when assigning grenades. See what I mean?
I would also consider how much space you have to play in. 15MM would compress the needed tabletop area somewhat wouldn't it?
I remember the squig catapult! Maybe make the squigs jump-capable to represent them bouncing merrilly across the battlefield, having been fired from off-board?
Maybe make them jump-capable and make the catapult a slow APC? Or make it regular indirect-fire artillery, (with the rationale that it flings all the squigs in one big basketload and then goes onto slinging bombs around) then make it and the squigs an exclusive unit?
Demian, is it possible to points-cost a unit that is jump-capable only on the first round?
Warhammer 40K takes a lot of visual and tactical cues from WW1, so if you want that visual theme, WW1 miniatures is the place to look.
Can you link me to whoever you got the infantry from? or they have no web-presence?
Most companies list a stack of options for US postage but insist on Airmail First Class internationally, or more. I just got a small item mailed for a few bucks by an ebay vendor, but only because I asked very nicely for a cheaper option.
However, RPGNOW wants $10 US for postage, which immediately brings me to my favourite three-letter acronym, starting with Whiskey, followed closely by a Tango, and ending with a great big Foxtrot. And a question-mark. Mind you, postage for books etc via airmail-whatever-it-is can be quite expensive, as they're big and heavy.
It really REALLY sucks that I'd have to get a PoD copy shipped here at great expense. I'm having little luck so far finding online a company here in oz that would print Defiance economically. Must look harder.
I would be greatly interested in links to the manufacturers you mentioned, NoelVH. I've looked at but never bought 15mm vehicles you might be interested in:
Demian sez Tech3 for Orks, and I'd say the same (not only for the obvious reason but also...) Warhammer 40K tends to have weak basic weapons, somewhat effective special weapons, and massively powerful heavy weapons, as well as grossly powerful hand-to-hand attacks and, back in the days of 40K when grenades killed people, several of those were pretty devastating too. You'll probably find that the "massive blast that hurts everything and works on everyone" weapons are VERY pricey in Defiance; hence, Tech 3.
The Defiance full version PDF troop builder grenade list has 3 (I think) frag grenades including a "wide" type which is rated at AOE 2" when I'm just CERTAIN it's meant to be 3". :wink:
Heh, whereas i find the BB much more personable, and only like yahoogroups for really low volume stuff.
Web only and on a slow connection, whereby the clumsy Yahoo navigation, and massive batreps for games I dont play, are made annoying by the time it takes to load each individual thing I'm not SUPER interested in..... and then there's the ads.......
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