I will try to address what you se as flaws individually.
1) Expensive it is, but worth it. I think...We have some knights in the book that are upwards of 600pts per element and they seem to be fairly well-balanced. You can't bring a lot of them, but then, you don't need to.
2) Monsters cannot be grouped into units at this point. If they get Morale, then they become a unit and thus have morale. A non-issue, I think.
3) Well, you've found something we need to address. I would say at this point that the following special abilities may not be given to artillery.
Banner, Frenzy, Hesitant, Horde, Impetuous, Irresistable Charge
Piercing, Quick-Firing, Reckless, Slow-Moving, Steadfast, Steady
Swimmer, Trample, Undead, Undisciplined, Veteran
Here's a little math (which Dan can "fix" if I'm wrong.
Given a 6-element unit attacking
Given a defending unit:
Def 3 Wounds 3 morale 6+
On average you'll hit about 1/3 time against that enemy.
d4 d6 d8 d10 d12
1.6% 16.7% 37.5% 50.0% 58.3% average=32.8%
That means, you'll generally have to attack with
1728d4 or 162d6 or 72d8 or 54d10 or 46d12
to kill the unit
Given a defending unit:
Def 0 Wounds 12 morale 6+
On average you'll hit about 3/4 time against that enemy.
d4 d6 d8 d10 d12
50% 66.7% 75.0% 80.0% 83.3% average=71.8%
This time, you have to attack with
108d4 or 81d6 or 72d8 or 68d10 or 65d12
to kill the unit
2.5% of the dice for the d4
50% of the d6
exactly as many d8 (wierd)
125% of the d10 and
140% of the d12
so, finally, the cost to kill the units goes like this
Attacking the Def 3 unit with:
2d4 takes 144 attack commands
2d6 takes 14 attack commands
2d8 takes 6 attack commands
2d10 takes 5 attack commands
2d12 takes 4 attack commands
Attacking the Def 0 unit with:
2d4 takes 9 attack commands
2d6 takes 7 attack commands
2d8 takes 6 attack commands
2d10 takes 6 attack commands
2d12 takes 5 attack commands
hmmm. just a tiny bit cheaper, no?