(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'd like to remind people that those battles have been between you and me so the only person who DOESN'T see them is me tongue smile

But Since I am obviously the better tactician, that hasn't bothered me too well.


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

japridemor wrote:

So does this mean that you would support a reduction/increase in the abilities of other equipment that functions like fighters? i.e. Marines and Drones.

I would rather see customized drones added to the rules than all of this fighter complexity.

Hadn't thought about that at all.

Drones are more like missiles than fightes and Marines are drones with a "bonus".

I suppose I could be convinced that weapons tech levels could affect Drones and Missiles, but honestly, I don't care too much about them, as they are one-shot and I haven't seen them tip the battle one way or t'other.


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

Not enough difference to make a difference...

Here's MY take FWIW

You may not select a custom fighter flight unless the ship class carrying the fighter flight has a modified tech level (or better) to support that custom flight.  E.g. if you want Shadow Fighters, then the ship carrying those fighters must have Shields TL of +2.

Customizations independent of Tech Level:

TL +2

TL -2
Move 4 hexes
Starships have no penalty attacking fighters

TL -1
Move 6 hexes
Starships have no penalty attacking fighters

TL 0
Move 8 hexes

TL +1
Move 10 Hexes
Extended Range

TL +2
Move 12 Hexes

TL -2
Fighters do not halve shields

TL -1

TL 0

TL +1

TL +2
Ignore shields

Sp. Eq.
TL 0
Extended Range

TL +1

TL +2

Don't lose track of the long range repeatable lasers that will also wreck havoc with fighters before they can get in to kill you.  They're expensive, but worth it if you can kill 2-3 fighter flights with each shot/

Like so:

LR-RL Mk. I [6/12/18, 3+, 3/1/1, repeating] (114.5)


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

At certain ranges types of info becomes available. At long ranges a ships hull size becomes apparent, at closer ranges its class, closer still its variants, closer still what type of weapons its packing, still closer whether they are powered up (not a problem in starmada as they are always powered up!). You get the idea.

That has the potential for coolness, but could get really paperwork-intensive.

I'd probably only play that in a campaign type game, where the GM tracked what each side "knows" about the others.

Come to think of that, it would acutally work as far as a VBAM cmapaign goes, to track that sort of stuff.


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

I suggest we make that a house rule from now on.  'twill prevent the overwhelming authority of 120 fighters attack all at once.

Now I suggest that we tie the fighter upgrades to tech level somehow as well, like you can't have an interceptor unless you have a +1 tech in weapons

I think we could get a list together, no?


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

That is an interesting point.

However, any mods you do because of low tech have to be mirred in the higher techs too.

IOW, if each -1 equates to a -2 in speed for fighters, then a +1 should be an increase of +2, right? so if you have a +2 in engines, then your fighters get to fly 14 hexes.

seems like the situation would get worse with that kind of mod.


(12 replies, posted in Discussion)

A "run" as you say would be what -- 2 copies smile

Yeah, Kevin.  I know.  I've got the troop lists done for Issus, then it's on to Granicus and a couple others and I'm done.


(12 replies, posted in Discussion)

I'm starting to get a complex...

I haven't been in the top 20 in months... <SNIFFFF!>

Terran Civil War...<mumble> Starmada: X<mumble>


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

All information should be available to all players (except cloaked ships, of course)

Levels the field for player in the know vs n00bs

If you all agree, however, and all skill levels are equal, it is appropriate to hide some information to make the games more exciting but use common sense.  You should know what your ship captains would know.

e.g in the Terran civil war, it was made more fun (but slightly frustrating) when I knew there was a new ship class on the board but didn't know the particulars. 

In no way should this be used to cheese-ify your wins. that cheese is old and tastes bad.


(26 replies, posted in Starmada)

If you build it, they will come.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, to be honest, it was not great from an admin standpoint.

Nobody contributed and the text formatting was unweildly for me to use.

I liked the old FAQ

But, if anyone has a better (and secure) idea, please let me know nd I'll try to get it working.

As of now, though, there's no way for me to get at the old FAQ, so all the questions are effectively lost.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

The FAQ dies and cannot be reborn as the original also got deleted from my server.

I will consider re-engage the FAQ-ship and pull what I can from my personal stash of questions.

I'm thinking a discussion group here which all can post Qs to


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, actually as i remember it was more like 80 total ships.


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

I thought the 3d thing would suck, but he's got it down to one of the best 3d systems I've seen, it works both visually and target-ingly (is that a word? it is now)

I have to say I was impressed with his 3d system as he explained in 5 minutes at Origins and I actually "got it"


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

heh there are NO battles too large for die-hard starmada players

Somewhere noel's got notes about a 70 ship battle we fought out over the course of two or three days.


(64 replies, posted in Game Design)

Keep the spin because sometimes when the car spins it hits stuff along the spin.  and you need to deal with that in the rules


(64 replies, posted in Game Design)

okay, now handling makes sense, and is completly confusing at the same time but I think I can muddle through again.  we'll see

I want to pick my own handling and armor. and engine stats too.

And, what is a small template and how does that work?


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Those questions are probably better posed to the VBAM folks smile


But, to answer them as best I can...


More bookkeeping than map/counters

I don't know


(64 replies, posted in Game Design)



(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

They match the Mongoose ST models pretty well, I think...I'll check it out.


(64 replies, posted in Game Design)

Basic Impression:
Seems fiddly, but I haven't played so I can't really make that assessment.  I know that there seem to be a lot of situations where I am going to be expected to multiply on the fly and re-roll, etc.  Again, that's an initial impression and I will probably change my mind after playing.

What difference does it make what the car length is?  I understand that you're trying for "universal" but the de facto standard for toy cars is matchbox scale, so make that the standrard so I don't have to multiply 5 by 1.5 every time I want to go 50mph. Plus, the matchbox scale isn't even correct from car to car in the line so you're trying to build a coherent system out of a random scale.

Accel and Braking:
um, braking table? 10-20, 20-30, 20-50? 

How about Handling Loss is MV/2 round up?
10-20: 1
30-40: 2
50-60: 3

I do not understand what the speed table is used for unless it's a max accel rate then I do understand and would expect that to be part of car construction, rather than based off the size of the engine.  i.e. if I want a car with a top speed of 200 and an accel of 1, I should be able to choose it. If I want a car that has a top speed of 80 and an accell of 6 I should be able to pick that. And, as has been said, let the engineers and physicists do their job and build it.

there's no difference between drift and align is there?

Driver skill is a neat idea. 

I don't like the tables for out of control, bt I can't think of a better way to do it.

I could care less about pedestrians. they are crunchy targets.  Riding on the running boards is idiotic, and should have a higher penalty.

Too complicated, at first glance.  I'd hate to have to go through a table of modifiers every time I take a shot at someone. That's so 80s smile

What kind of armor is there going to be is the weapons all have PEN modifiers (+5 pen? wow that's a lot)

< Armor: No Pen
= Armor: part. pen
> armor: pen
2x Armor: catastrophic

That table is just plain icky

Ramming: ok

Wow, um, why can't I just choose my range, choose my rof/pen and then add specials?

what the heck is load?

Whay can't I just pick a number?

Gang design and car design:
This is really nice. simple and easy to use. but where's the square root? smile

obviously a rough draft and needs extensive playtesting to ensure the concepts are going to translate.  I don't think I can play based on the rules I see, but I will try.

Hopefully this weekenfd will offer me the opportunity... I may have some extra time. (yay)

Don't take this wrong: I will play test it and I see the need for a car combat game as good as starmada.


(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

Like I'd use them for any other game smile


They were freebies from Dances with Words for the Serenity paper Model I did...

(the Mongoose minis weren't from him)


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

yeah, I hope he gets tons of chicks 'cause of it smile

I would also like to point out that the ROF, PEN and DMG doesn't show up if it's 1.

I'd like to see all weapons display the ROF PEN and DMG even if they are 1, i.e.

[a] Tiny Puddly Laser [3/6/9, 4+, 1/1/1]


[a] Tiny Puddly Laser [3/6/9, 4+]

This is a minor deviation from the Purist view of Drake Notation, but it makes things consistent across the system and may help with importing the weapons later if someone wants to make a text parsing program to do that.