(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

If one were going to try to utilize ship cards from a previous edition of Starmada with Unity ships/rules, am I correct in assuming that Admiralty would be preferable to Nova? What sort of alterations would be needed? I am referring specifically to the SFU, if that matters.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

If you are an SFU (Star Fleet Universe) player, there are many sources for ships from the various incarnations of Star Trek, many fully assembled and painted. But keep in mind that most of the SFU ships are designs that have never graced the screen, so the only source for accurate models of these ships would be the ADB Shapeways store referenced above. Also, the ADB Shapeways store is a great source of info on these ships and their imagined history, something I find fascinating.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

I don't think this would be applicable to the SFU (my particular area of interest), but in principle, it sounds like it would generate some interesting play situations. It would be cool to design some ships for a hypothetical race and try them out against various SFU ships.


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

For the record, it's correct in Klingon Armada ("p.28").


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think you may be pleasantly surprised with the next Drydock iteration.


On the subject or Drydock issues, there does not seem to be a way to add "2PP" (or however many) to the front of the traits list for photons, et al.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Mobile bases can also be used as ground-based facilities. Since their shields are 7-points each, consider them to have a single 14-point shield. Use them as surface-based versions of what they are: modular, pre-fabricated stations that can be erected quickly and cheaply at the front during wartime.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Modern SFB and FC have specialized SSDs for ground bases, installations on the surface of a planet or moon that can engage in combat with ships in space. This was not always the case. In early editions of SFB, ground bases used the same SSDs as base stations and battle stations. A few simple rules allowed these to assume the role of planet-based facilities quite nicely, and the same can easily be done in Starmada.

First, there is the issue of shields. Base and battle stations both have strength 9 shields all around. I recommend considering the ground base to have a single double-strength shield. Simply cross out two of the shield tracks and consider the remaining pair to be one continuous 18-point shield that covers the base like a dome, but otherwise behaves in all ways the same as other SFU shields.

Next is the issue of firing arcs. If the planetary body is a single hex in size, designate a hex side as the location of the base. The base's weapons will all be able to fire into a single 180-degree arc made up of the hex side it occupies and the two directly adjacent to it (one on each side). Weapons fired at the base must have line of sight to the hex side where the base is located.

In the case of a multi-hex planet, choose one of the planet's edge hexes as the base's location. Depending on the planet's diameter and the hex you choose, the base might have two or three outward-facing hex-sides to fire its weapons through (and to be fired upon by enemies).

Planetary rotation can be safely ignored, as it is not rapid enough to alter the firing and defensive arcs involved within the length of the average scenario.

Those who have played SFB might remember that planetary atmospheres had deleterious effects on phaser fire in that game, but since Starmada is based on FC, where such is not the case, we need not concern ourselves with this.

Note that ground bases are even more unassailable than their space-based counterparts, given the fact that they can simultaneously fire all of their weapons at a single target due to their unified firing arc.

Consider utilizing base stations as colony defense facilities and battle stations as military installations. Grounded defense satellites can also be used as automated defenses for civilian and scientific outposts.

Thanks Daniel - it's all sorted now.

If I remember correctly, it was posted here some time ago that a corrected version of Alien Armada Unity had been sent to ADB. When are they going to post it to w23? I asked SVC about it on the ADB forum, and he said he thought it had been done already, and that he would have to check tomorrow when others were in the office. That was over a week ago, and no word since. I know he's busy, so he might have forgotten about it. Has there been any word on this?

Also, as long as we're on the topic (and at the risk of being the annoying kid in the back seat asking, "Are we there yet?"), how are the Distant Armada/Battleships Armada conversions coming along? Any time frame estimates?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

In retrospect, I think you are correct. I had the same situation come up in the very next game I played. This time, there were two flights of drones on the map. Flight A, targeted on ship X, and flight B, targeted on flight A. Ship X entered flight A's hex, and it just didn't seem right to have the drones impact without a chance for flight B to intercept them. So, I had ship X pass through w/o impact. Also, the other way has drones making their attacks during the movement phase, which, as you point out, doesn't really seem right either.

My confusion arose out of habits formed from years of playing in the SFU via Star Fleet Battles and Federation Commander, where combat occurs as movement is taking place, rather than in a separate phase of the turn. In those games, if a ship enters a hex containing a seeking weapon targeted on it, the seeker impacts immediately. To paraphrase something that Yoda said to Luke, "I must unlearn what I have learned."


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

If a seeker is targeted on a given ship, and that ship, during its movement phase, enters the hex occupied by the seeker, what happens? I recently had this situation come up regarding a drone, and was uncertain of how it should be handled. Since it was the SFU, I ended up falling back on how it is dealt with in FC - the drone impacts the ship on its leading-edge shield (usually fwd, unless the ship did a sideslip). Defensive fire may occur, and damage is calculated and applied immediately, as it would be in the fighter phase. Was that correct, or should I have had the ship pass through the hex without impact?

Also, if the ship which enters the seeker's hex is NOT the ship the seeker is targeted on, it should pass through without impact, correct?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

In a post above, I incorrectly stated the following:

the dates in these documents use the SFB system, where everything is calculated from a hypothetical "year zero" when humanity first contacted the Vulcans.

First contact between Terrans and Vulcans occurred in Y1, not Y0. In the SFB date system, as in the BC/AD system we use today, there is no "year zero" - i.e. the year before 1 AD is 1 BC.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

This would be useful for the SFU as well, as it nicely emulates FC escort ships equipped with Aegis fire control, of which there are many. See 3F in the FC Rulebook.

Thank you! It turns out that I was initially doing this wrong, then upon consideration I started doing it right, but I still wasn't sure until now.  smile

Bolted plasma in the SFU has a "Dfs" trait. In the "To-Hit Modifiers" chart in section 4.2 (pg 17 of Klingon/Romulan Armada), the various range modifiers are listed, with Dfs and others bulleted below the standard short/long modifiers. Are the bulleted modifiers meant to replace the standard range modifiers, or be added to them? In other words, say at short range, would a plasma bolt get a +2 or a +3 modifier?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I might also recommend the PDF book "Introduction to the Star Fleet Universe: Prime Directive and Roleplaying." While ostensibly an intro to ADB's Prime Directive SFU RPG (wow, that's a lot of acronyms!), it is also a beginner's guide to the SFU that contains a lot of information regarding the history and "geography" of the SFU. It is available for free from w23 at: http://www.warehouse23.com/products/int … oleplaying.

While you're at w23, you might also want to check out "About Federation and Empire," another free PDF that describes ADB's strategic SFU wargame. You'll find it at http://www.warehouse23.com/products/abo … and-empire. It contains a Timeline of the General War that you can mentally "plug in" to the Universe Timeline I mentioned in my original post. This timeline, like the General War history article I mentioned above, can give a player many ideas for scenarios to play out with Starmada.

Speaking of which...I'll discuss scenarios in my next post.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

As a history buff, both real and imagined, the history of the SFU is of intense interest to me. For those who share such leanings, there is a wealth of information available on ADB's website, on the page titled Historical Downloads, at:  http://www.starfleetgames.com/historicaldownloads.shtml. Two documents which you'll find there that are required reading for those who want to know more about the background of this setting are History of the General War, which is an overview of the Alpha Octant-spanning conflict which forms the crux of SFU gaming, and the Universe Timeline, a highly detailed historical chronology of the major races in the SFU and their interactions, dating from prehistory to the aftermath of the Andromedan War. There are also numerous maps and a section of technical readouts.

One note: the dates in these documents use the SFB system, where everything is calculated from a hypothetical "year zero" when humanity first contacted the Vulcans. FC and Starmada use a different system, where first contact occurred in the year 2400. To convert SFB dates to Starmada dates, just add 2400 - e.g. Y152 becomes 2552.

Also, even if you don't use minis, check out the ADB Shapeways site at: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/amarill … bureau-inc. Select an Empire on the left and click on the ship images to go to a page offering detailed info on the history and capabilities of that particular ship class, along with a 3D model you can rotate to get a really good look at the design. You can pick up a lot of ship lore by browsing around there.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

I realized I could check this for myself, since I have the FC ship card. I ran the numbers and no, the cost of arming the Web Fist mounts is NOT included.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

I had previously posted re: the Neo-Tholian CA having the wrong PP costs for its Web Fist weapon ("free" for normal, 2PP for overloaded, rather than 2PP/4PP). I just thought of something - is it possible that this is actually correct, and that the Neo-Tholian CA has different values for its Web Fist weapon due to having a different power curve? In other words, are 2PP allocated for each Web Fist every turn automatically in the case of that ship?


(14 replies, posted in Starmada)

During the End Phase of any game turn in which the ship doubles its engines, roll one die: if the result is odd, check off one box on the ship's engine track.

I like the way this was handled! I was thinking about how it should be accomplished - crossing off an engine box each turn would have been too detrimental. This doesn't make engine doubling too damaging to use and adds a nice element of randomization to it as well - like, if you roll 3 odds in a row, maybe it means you haven't changed your oil often enough. smile

Great! Will check it out - thank you!

Have you tried the Unity drydock on it? Does it work correctly?


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Okay, will do that (bump up the fwd shield). It just seemed out of whack to me because of the way the numbers scale, but upon consideration I agree that it should be consistent across the board.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is a question for Daniel...in the "SFU Unity" thread, you posted:

If the total Starmada shields do not equal 20% of the total SFB/FC Shield Boxes, a further modification is made, adding one to the forward shields or subtracting one from the Aft shields, as appropriate. In the case of the Burke, there should be 22 shields (108 x 20%), but the calculations only yield 21, so the Fwd shield gets a bump.

The Klingon F5W which I created had shields 8-5-5-4. The FC version has 26-20-16-16-16-20 (1 thru 6). This adds up to 114. 20% of 114 = 22.8, which rounds to 23. The Starmada shields add up to 22, but in this case I chose NOT to bump the fwd shield up to 9 because I felt that was unrealistically high in relation to the other shields, particularly the aft, being more than 2x as strong. Did I make the right decision? Or should I change the fwd shield from 8 to 9?


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is another ship that apparently appeared in Captain's Log for AE/NE.

The Klingon's ran their space navy differently from the Federation (and most other races) in that they did not follow the same procession of ship classes. They never had a light cruiser, preferring to use the D6 to fulfill that role, and the D7 Battlecruiser was comparable to the heavy cruisers of other races, with the C7 BCH the "natural enemy" of the Fed BC. A similar situation existed with the Klingon's smaller ships. Traditionally, they eschewed the destroyer class, allowing their excellent F5 Frigate to fulfill the roles of both destroyers and frigates in their fleet. With the coming of the General War, however, the need for a true destroyer that could take on the new war destroyers of their enemies became obvious. The F5W Destroyer - referred to as "the ship the F5 was born to become" - fulfilled that need.

NOTE: According to both SFB Module MO3: Captain's Starship Registry, and the Starship Name Registry (both available on ADB's website), there is no "class ship" for the F5W, so I have not included a class name.